Chan just looked at him. "Are you alright?"

Felix nodded. "You're mind is really strong. It's pushing me out. You can't do anything about that, but we won't get anywhere if this keeps happening."

Chan just laughed, as Felix glared at him. "Is my pain that amusing to you?"

That's when he noticed Chan was crying, so Felix fell quiet.

"I remember when Y/N was sick... you... you must've healed her. I was certain she was going to die, it was the worst year of my life. But I had forgotten about that until now... I, I was so scared. She was my only friend who I'd had for years, and the only girl who wasn't just being friends with me because I was 'attractive'. Felix, why did you make me forget that?" Bang Chan asked, unable to wipe his tears as his hands were tied.

Felix ripped the binds off, passing Chan a tissue.
"Every time you looked at her, you looked miserable. Sad. Like you were pitying her, but I know you were just coping. I didn't want you to spend the rest of your life looking at her like that, saying that when she woke up, healthy again, she didn't even remember she was sick." He explained, before he sat back down.

"That makes sense." Chan sighed, holding his hand back out.
"I know why my minds blocking you. Don't worry, I won't let it anymore."

Minho was sticking to me like glue the whole day. I didn't really understand why, but I didn't mind.

He brought me to his group, as I noticed Han watching me intently throughout lunch.

"I'm surprised you came without Felix, Y/N. Usually you two are like peas in a pod." Hyunjin smiled, sitting on my right, Minho on my left, as Jeongin sat in front, smiling slightly.

"Minho asked me to. It's not like Chan is here either, so I guess I'm kind of lost." I laughed slightly, as Hyunjin slung an arm around me, his lips brushing my ear.

"That's alright, I'll make you feel at home here." He whispered, his breath tickling my neck.
I felt flustered. Hyunjin barely spoke to me, so this was weird.

Why were they both being so clingy?

"I want to try something. Is that okay?" Hyunjin whispered, as I nodded.

He turned my head gently so I was looking at him, as he just smiled, and with his other hand, he pushed a blade across the table.

"I want you to cut your wrist, deeply, so I can taste you." Hyunjin compelled.

He grinned as I reached for the blade, Minho sheltering us from Han's table.

Han tensed. What was happening? He couldn't tell.
He knew without the necklace, you were vulnerable.

"Seungmin, Changbin, should we go over?" Han asked, as Seungmin shook his head.

"We can't interfere. Not here. There's too many people. I'm sure she's okay. What we need to do, is focus on finding Chan."

I winced as the blade penetrated my skin, Hyunjin just keeping his hand on my leg, his lips curved in a smile.

"Hyunjin, you're going to get in so much trouble." Jeongin whispered, as he held his breath.
He didn't need to breathe, but it was still a natural thing.
He feared if he took one more breath, he would jump at you, and rip your throat out.

Hyunjin shrugged, taking the blade from my hand, watching as my blood seeped out.

"She cut herself, so I'm not going to mark her. I'm just curious as to why he's so infatuated with her." Hyunjin mumbled, locking eyes with me.

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