A Storm is Brewing

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Aegon did indeed find you comely, the comeliest of all his sisters, and he told you so upon meeting you.

"You are far lovelier than the whore on Dragonstone of course. And prettier still than my wife -though do not tell her I said so," he said with a wink.

You smiled and thanked him as you were required to, but internally you were quaking. The way Aegon was undressing you with his eyes made you long to cower behind your husband.

"Let's just get this over with," Aemond bit out.

Aegon laughed. "That's the spirit brother. Come my dear."

He took your arm and led you away from Aemond, who very reluctantly relinquished you. The King had insisted upon giving you away in your father's stead. Mercifully you were not alone with him for long, but he managed in that short time to make you feel as uncomfortable as humanly possible.

"I regret the disappointment you are soon to suffer," he whispered quite audibly as he walked you down the aisle. "My brother is sadly inexperienced with women. He will not know how to please you. But if you ever wish to know what it is to be well satisfied, all you have to do is ask."

You never would have imagined you could be so relieved to take Aemond's hands. He wore a murderous expression on his face, but thankfully it was not directed at you.

Your second wedding was a great deal longer and grander than your first, though Aemond seemed just as impatient for it to be over. All the court were assembled to witness the ceremony. You kept your attention focused on the septon and did your best to pretend no one else existed... except Alicent perhaps. She at least was smiling at you.

You were not only wearing one of her beautiful gowns but one of her dazzling necklaces as well, and she'd sent her own maid to attend to your hair. You truly looked and felt like a princess.

After the ceremony she kissed your cheek and warmly said, "welcome to the family."

Queen Helaena was also most gracious in her reception of you, but King Aegon's behavior continued to deteriorate at the feast that followed as he rapidly sank into his cups. He drunkenly toasted his brother Aemond, congratulating him firstly on murdering their nephew, and secondly on his lovely and 'convenient' bride.

Your husband led you onto the floor as soon as Aegon ceased speaking, as though to get you away from him. He muttered under his breath that he loathed dancing, but he said it so quietly you felt you could be excused for pretending not to hear him.

You had always enjoyed dancing with your sisters in the safety of your own home, but it was a very different matter to be dancing before the royal court with a one-eyed kinslayer, even if he were your husband. Still, Aemond was a fine dancer, and there was something thrilling in the protective -or rather possessive- way he kept drawing you into his arms.

As soon as the first dance concluded, Aegon started towards you, clearly intending to dance with you himself. You involuntarily took a step back and clutched Aemond's arm tightly. He took the hint.

"With your permission, your Grace, my wife and I will retire now. It's been an extraordinarily long and fatiguing day. I'm sure you understand."

Aegon grinned lecherously. "Ah, eager to get your bride off to bed are you? I don't blame you brother. We shall commence the bedding ceremony at once!"

He reached forward to grab you, but Aemond blocked his path, putting himself between you and the King.

"There will be no bedding ceremony," he said firmly.

"There will be if I command it," Aegon responded, his mood rapidly souring at being thwarted. "I am the King!"

"King or not, lay a finger on my wife and you'll be fucking your own with a wooden cock."

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