After a few minutes Chifuyu decided to speak up again. "Mikey is pretty adamant about not getting involved with you, it's been that way every since I joined." Your teeth gritted at the mention of your former friend. Your face although, remained neutral. "Baji-san somewhat told me of the situation you're in though. I think Mikey is wrong, and i don't want to end my relationship with you because of his childishness." It somewhat felt refreshing knowing that not everyone hates you. You would've been mad that Chifuyu knew about that unfortunate situation, but currently, you felt relief knowing that at least you'd have him.

"I met this guy named Hanagaki Takemichi. He's a great guy, you should meet him one day. He... despite not knowing Baji-san well, helped him. I really started to respect him after Bloody Halloween." You then looked at him with a small smile etching your face. "I'm glad you found someone else you respect. He sounds like a good guy." You haven't forgotten what Kisaki said, even if he dismissed him quite quickly, he mentioned his name. You were definitely interested on meeting this person.

Your thoughts were interrupted a sudden grumbling sound. It only took you a few seconds to deduce it was Chifuyu's stomach. You sighed. "Wanna get lunch?" He nodded. You could see the bag of what you could only assume was Yakisoba. He must have forgotten to add water at the convenience store. "Your treat." You added. He only groaned and muttered an aggravated "fine" before getting up and dragging you along.

The comforting glow of the 7-11 sign illuminated both of your faces as the two of you walked in. You both simultaneously darted towards the instant ramen section. He grabbed a package of Peyoung Yakisoba. You quickly ran towards the refrigerated section to grab an Onigiri. "Hey, Chifuyu!" He looked towards you. You grabbed the Yakisoba out of his hand and made your way to the cash register. "It's on me, don't worry about it." You sent him a small smile. Before he could object, you had already paid and made your way to cook the Yakisoba. As if was cooking, you leaned against the counter and diligently opened your Onigiri. You took a big bite out of it only to be met with the delicious flavor of Tuna and Mayo. You softly smiled while taking another bite, up until there was only half of it left. You pondered for a second before handing it out for Chifuyu to take. He slightly blushed but took it with a small "Thank you".

The timer suddenly went off. You jumped slightly before calming down. You drained the water then mixed in the flavor packet. Chifuyu grabbed two pairs of chopsticks before heading to a table to sit down.

"You can eat first, I'm still eating the Onigiri." You were about to pick up your chopsticks before you thought of something. "How has everyone been doing? What has Mikey been saying about me?" You saw Chifuyu choke slightly before finally swallowing the rest of the Rice ball. "Everyone's been normal for the most part. Mikey doesn't really say much about you, only when he really has to." Chifuyu paused for a moment. "The day Baji left Toman... he said a few things about you."

"Was it anything bad?"

"Of course not, he couldn't say anything bad about you." he stifled a giggle. "Man, if only you saw Mikey's face! It was hilarious!" he failed at keeping his laugh in. He then imitated the face Mikey made, prompting you to laugh as well. "Seriously?! Oh man! That sucks!" You both stopped talking for a bit shortly after, going back to eating your food. You made sure to save half for Chifuyu. Once you were done, you passed it over to him. You watched him dig in. His beautiful Emerald green eyes lured you in. You were insanely jealous of his eyes. You wished yours were as pretty. "I look up to Mikey because Baji-san held so much respect for him. But I don't think this is right, so I don't mind going against him. I like you a lot more anyways." He shot you a smile. You couldn't help the slight red tint that arose on your cheeks.

You bid your farewells to Chifuyu. It was nice meeting him. Very nice. You wished for more moments like this, it was only the eye of the storm, though.

'Maybe it's not the color of his eyes i'm so envious about, but the life in them.'


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