Chapter 2

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Thanks for still reading, chapter 1 was kind of boring i know but it's all gonna get good from here. Thanks for staying to continue i really appreciate you all. Please vote and comment so that we can all keep it interactive.
Who the hell are you ? A figure standing in front me yelled as i ignored and continued to do my maths exercise.
Hey dummy! You're in my seat get off.
I got up and moved to another seat without taking my eyes off my maths exercise .
Oh .My. Gosh! Did you just ignore me, hey! Do you know who i am i own this school and I'm the schools queenbee Ria and you'll do whatever i tell you to.
I ignored and went on with my exercise.
She had the nerve to pick my note an drop it on the floor. I picked up my note only to look at a girl who looked like a life size version of a barbie doll.
Have you been deaf all this while. No i just don't speak IDIOT . She looked like she was about to explode, as she felt so embarrassed in front of everyone.
And there were whispers in the class one of which was no one's ever spoken to Ria that way.
Well i didn't care cos i didn't have the patience for bullies,and trust me being a Nigerian she shouldn't mess with me.
How dare you!!! I only need to get your name and you'll be out of this school in no time. And she angrily left for the principals office.
I was called a minute after by the principal. I knocked the door. Come in
Miss Yusuf take a seat , I'm so sorry about the fuss that Miss smith constituted earlier, nothing of the sort will ever happen again. It's fine really, thanks. I left, but was still within earshot, and heared the principal talking to Ria.
You better watch that attitude Miss Ria your mother won't be happy to hear that you're already getting into fights with the schools biggest donors.
Without her and the other trustees you wouldn't have a luxurious life you know.
Well tht was none of my business, so i left.Boo!!! Bianca trued to scare me but i didn't budge . You really are as hard as rock ,anyways that was epic ,you're already popular in just two days
And guess what the schools hottest jock asked about you! So?
So that means he's into you he broke up with Ria last week he probably likes you.
Awww how sweet i said sarcastically, well my dear friend if you're gonna be ny friend there's alot you need to know about me
Number one rule Never care
Number two no boys
Are you gay then? No for goodness sake I'm a muslim it's not islamic. That aside, no boys because they're just a distraction i mean why have boyfriend just for a little while and break up.
Dating is supposed to be used to test the suitability of two people getting married and i don't suppose a 14 year old getting married now makes sense
Whatever ?Bianca said rolling her eyes. But just so you know Ria probably hates you now,you just practically embarrassed her in front of the whole class. Well i don't care.
Let's go eat it's lunch time. Alright i wanna go drop this in class first I'll meet you at the cafeteria.
As i walked into the class i met a guy seated on his chair doing something on his phone .He had dark brown eyes,blackcurly hair about 6 feet tall, he was handsome i must admit.
Hey you're Toria right? Yes i replied. What you did today was really cool,What did i do. The way you stood up to Ria. Ok ,i was about to leave then he grabbed my hand.
I took his hand off and looked at him. I have a name use it, no physical contact please. Wow fiery me likey he said with a wink. Well i was wondering if we could hang out this weekend if you're free.No i don't talk to strangers. It's just to get to know you better.
Well get to know me better in school not on a date,with that i left.

What took  you so long was did dropping something take 10 minutes. No, i told her what had happened in class. OMG that was the jock i was talking about, his name is Mason. You have to go out with him, it'll boost your popularity up to the max.
I'm not after popularity it's not my cup of tea. Anyways i want you to meet the gang , there were three people seated on the chairs at our spot in the cafeteria.
Hello!!!they all chorused i'm Jace a blonde guy said , i'm Tracy a red haired girl said, and I'm Trevor a dark skinned guy said.
We've all been friends since the beginning of the year. Hi everyone. You're really cool Tracy said standing up to Ria, was just on top .No one's ever done that.
Have you signed up for any clubs. Yeah i signed up for the catering club, before i forget i need to go there now bye guys and i left.
Hello Toria I'm chef winnie you'll be partnering with our best caterer, Mason. My goodness why did it have yo be him.
I know you just joined and this is a lot of pressure, but there's going to be a school dance soon so we have to practice the dishes for the event.
Can you and Mason go get these things from the store room please?

Of course ma'am. I and Mason left and got to the store room. I was about to grab the flour when Mason pulled me close to him, while staring in my eyes.
What the fudge let me go , but he grasped me tight, Please would you just listen i love you Toria, i pushed him away and tried to run away . But he pulled me again and tried to kiss me.
I slapped him hard on the face and grabbed a bag of flour and ran out.
Thank you all updates will be every Friday and Saturday. Thank you for your support.

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