You'd never know by looking at my phase. My head was in chaos but my face was placid. No one would ever know. No one ever will.

"I'll be sure to dress warmly. I've always wanted to get on the ferris wheel." I was very cool and casual and I could tell he hadn't picked up on the chaos. I would, no I don't know how I would react if he were to ever see that side of me. Only Ryker has, which explained why he was so damned protective.

"Or not, this weather can't ever make up its damned mind." He was chipper. Maybe too much so. I understood he was trying to fix a mistake. His eyes never left my face and it was like he kept trying to get me to look at him. I didn't fight it.

"Fun fact, Thom's mom was the one who outed him to his father."

"What?" The soft smile with his expression. The way his gentle eyes darted up and down a little. He still hadn't noticed the closeness. He looked like this was the most natural thing, but we were friends. Friends did not get this close. Right? I sure as hell didn't get this close to Thom or Kyra.

So why wasn't I the one backing up?

The heat of the electricity hung in the air. Not quite gathering in intensity but it lingered. I could feel the warmth of his body and I didn't want to fight it. I wanted his warmth to embrace me.

As if on cue, his body nearly flung itself at me, but I- Oh. I forgot he was sitting on the counter while I tended to him. He had to push himself off. My heart nearly jumped out of my chest and I hoped it did not show. Maverick was standing but he was still close. Although, he wasn't as close as he was before.

I remembered I had a story to finish. "We don't know how she found out, but it happened at dinner one day. They were eating dinner and she just got up and said, " Thom, tell your father that you suck cock."


"Oh yeah. So that should explain where Thom gets it from. He can go straight for the throat too. But his parents were totally ok with him being gay."

"We already have enough sad stories out there of kids who aren't lucky out there." He said and I just nodded in easy agreement. I was also unsure of what to do with myself now that we were done. "Mine weren't as cool. I waited until I was out of the house and did it over the phone."

"Can't blame you there. Sure, things are easier for us compared to decades before but it's still scary."

"Mhm, and so my mom demanded that I meet her and my dad for lunch. Their names are Manny and Guiliana by the way. You'd love them. I'm not gonna lie, I thought I was going to shit my pants. We met up the next day at Dennys and I told them everything. Our waitress must have overheard enough of the conversation because when it was time for our check, we were informed that the meal had already been paid for."

"Man here I was coming out to my dad in our kitchen as bisexual." I said and the guilt on my face was pretty prevalent. "I was trying to ease them into it. He totally called me out on it by the way and so 2 minutes later, I came out as gay. I don't know why I was so scared in the first place. Funny how that works huh? Both of my parents have always been the progressive type."

"Same with mine."

We were discovering a lot of similarities today. I was going to point that out but then I felt a flush creep up my face. I found myself scratching the back of my neck and asked, "What time is it?"

Maverick had forgotten too. He took out his phone the same time I had. He found out before I did. "It's after 11."

"Oh! I am so sorry. How the hell did all those hours, were we out walking that long?" I became a tornado of movement. Where was my scarf? My shoes? My gloves? My keys were in my pocket with my wallet.

Maverick leaned in the doorway of the bathroom. The light was still on. He propped up one arm against the doorframe and just watched me move around in a flurry. Everything had been stacked neatly by the door, which I had done automatically.

"Would you mind bringing some pizza with you?" I heard him ask. He was so calm where I was not. "Maybe some donuts while you're at it?"

"Aw fuck, we didn't even get to the dessert." I sort of threw my head back, not in aggravation but in a weird sort of defeat.

"It's fine." I heard him say it but I wasn't really listening. He had moved calmly across the floor to the open kitchen. He was already starting to stack up a paper plate with some pizza.

"You really don't have to." I think the words came out like a whine.

"Don't forget, I got this for you and me. It's really no trouble." Again, he was so calm. I just stood near the front door getting myself together. I even went as far as starting to smooth everything down. I checked my wallet for my CTA card as well as my debit card and ID. Which I knew was unnecessary but it was like I couldn't bring myself to calm down yet. It didn't happen often but it was my quirk about schedules and being productive.

He wrapped up the plate in some aluminum foil before he stacked a couple of donuts on another plate. I kept looking at the time and with the knowledge that I had 8 hours before I had to be at work again. Before I knew it, Maverick was standing before me. His expression was still calm but the glimmer in his eyes. That softness. I couldn't help but look at his lips again.

"Text me when you get back?" There was a twinkle in his left eye. "Even though I've seen it for myself, you can handle yourself but as a concerned friend, I'll sleep better if you do. Ok?"

I nodded silently and I guess I was able to calm down a bit. "I'll let you know when I get my next day off?" He nodded. "And thanks for a nice quiet evening." I had to rethink that. He made an expression like a wince but a soft smile fell on his lips. "Well, almost."

"Sorry." He handed some of the leftovers to me. I tried not to be a little giddy about this. It was like I was being given something to remember him by. I would never admit this outloud, but the paper plates and the aluminum foil, they came from his place. I wasn't making any plans of keeping these items for my shrine to him.

"Not your fault. It could happen anywhere."

Then another intrusive thought crossed my mind. If we had been dating, and if he had asked me to stay. I believe I would have called in sick the next day and stayed the night. We would be up much later than we needed to be. Just talking. I never had that with my ex boyfriend.

Then I caught him reading my expression. That's when I took the cue to swing around and open the door. I felt him almost press up against me as he took hold of the door. Which I did not understand. I walked out while saying something unintelligible even to my own ears. Maverick lingered in the doorway in a similar fashion that he did in the bathroom doorway just minutes ago.

I had to pass him by because I had gone the wrong way. Again I had mumbled stuff to myself, embarrassed but determined not to look at him. Which I failed at too. The light in his eyes, the smile, he was everything in a man that I could have ever wanted. I'd just never be able to admit this.


It would be a whole 2 weeks before we could meet face to face again. The day's I had off, he didn't and it was the same the other way around. Neither of us wanted it to end up being a stressful day. Where we'd have to rush because of the time crunch. He was like me. He could balance a chill night in with a social night out. Although I did learn that we both did balance closer towards the latter.

While I was still at work when I got a package there. It was a little creepy but once I saw who it was from, I ripped right into it. It was a walkman with old style headphones and there was already a cassette in it. I was pleasantly surprised to find a mixture of 80's music with some modern stuff. Like Girl In Red and The 1975. The Weeknd did not surprise me but there was some 80's music I did not recognize. I was going to have to look them up when I got the chance.

When I got home, I found myself slowly becoming an 80's fan.

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