Chapter 61: Make it! Do-or-die survival training.

Start from the beginning

Iida: Our mission is to rescue that person as quickly as possible. the person who needs to be rescued is a training dummy.

'Ah, so much for a person...'

Momo: the power is out underground due to the fire, but luckily, the emergency power is still working.

Uraraka: Then we should be able to search even without light.

Tokoyami raised his hand.

 Tokoyami: Searching for a person there would be a race against time. I propose we split up for the search.

Midoriya: wait a minute, I'm not getting a signal over here.

everyone checked their phones only to see that Midoriya was Right there was indeed no signal although you guys weren't even underground yet.

Midoriya: so the Fire probably made the relay base station go down in this scenario.

Shoto: If that's the case, then even if we split up to search, we should meet up somewhere after.

Asui: This mall goes down six floors. what if we go down from the central stairwell and search floor B1 first, then we meet back up at the central stairwell ten minutes later to move down another floor together and search there?

Uraraka: I agree with Tsui-Chan!

Midoriya: I do too.

you would be lying if you said you understood what they were saying,  your mind was too occupied with the dream you had last night.

Bakugo turned around and started going in the opposite direction of the other.

Midoriya: Wait, Kacchan! where are you going?

Bakugo: Isn't it obvious? I'm going to look for that damn citizen who didn't escape in time.

Iida: wait a minute, Bakugo-Kun! don't go off on your own and interfere with our teamwork. we should do as Asui Suggest And--

Asui: Call me Tsu.

Iida: We should do as T-Tsu suggests and--

Bakugo: you guys are the ones saying it's a race against Time. I'll Find that damn citizen in no time and show you the difference between us.

Midoriya: Kacchan!

Kirishima: Wait up, Bakugo. It's dangerous to go alone. I'll go with you!

Kaminari: Then I'll go, too.

Midoriya: Kirishima-Kun and Kaminari-Kun, you guys too?

Kirishima: We'll meet you by the central stairwell in ten minutes!

Kaminari: we'll try to bring Bakugo with us, too!

Midoriya: R-right, okay. be careful.

you suddenly felt weak on your knees causing you to stumble a bit, your head started spinning as well as if the whole world was circling around you. Shoto Noticed you stumbling as he held your arm.

Shoto: Love, are you okay?

Y/n: Y-Yeah I-I just lost my balance there for a second.

You secretly cursed yourself for Stuttering, as now Shoto would never believe you now. as you expected when you looked at him in his eyes it was clear he didn't believe a word of what you said.

Iida: A-Anyways, we shouldn't keep standing around here. Let's Split up and start searching, too.

Momo: Thinking about the quirks needed for the rescue, How about Midoriya-Kun, Y/n-San, and Asui-San...

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