chapter 51: Dismissed

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I opened my eyes to see nothing but darkness surrounding me, suddenly I felt someone place their hand on my head.

???: Y/n, you have to wake up. It's to soon for you to die yet, please wake up.

I saw a man standing Infront of me his face was not clear, but he looked like he was in his early twenties.

Y/n: W-Who are you?

???: Who I am is not important. just remember, you must wake up don't give up yet...

the man started to walk away slowly disappearing.

Y/n: Hey, Wait! Who are you how do you know my name!?

I Suddenly woke up to see I'm in a white room all to familiar I got up and sat on my bed and yep I was in a hospital room again...

Doctor: Oh my thanks goodness you woke up.

Y/n: how long have i been out for?

Doctor: about a Day.

Y/n: Oh I see.

Doctor: Ms. L/n, I'm sorry, but i'm gonna have to ask you to be more careful you were badly injured. I don't know how badly you were hurt in your stomach but it caused a bleeding in some of your organs and not to mention your head! If anymore blood had escaped your head you wouldn't have been here right now. honestly we didn't think you'd survive...

Y/n: Thanks doctor...

The doctor exited the room and almost immediately Asui, Midoriya and Uraraka came inside. Asui Quickly pulled me into a hug while Uraraka grabbed my hand and Midoriya sat on the edge of the bed

Y/n: Tsu, if you keep squeezing me this hard I'm gonna faint again...

Asui: Y/n I was so worried!

Uraraka: Y/n-San you where Unconsciou for one day! We where so worried about you! Especially Todoroki-Kun

Asui: The... the doctors said-

I quickly hugged Asui back.

Y/n: It's okay calm down I'm fine. Midoriya is Eri safe?

Midoriya smiled sadly

Midoriya: yeah, she's safe she's at U.A. With Mr. Aizawa, But...

Y/n: But...

Midoriya looked down at his hands sadly.

Y/n: what is it Midoriya...?

Midoriya: Sir Nighteye... he got injured badly a-and he didn't make it...

I gasped as I heard this

Y/n: I'm sorry...

Midoriya: huh? Why?

Y/n: I passed out half way and I wasn't able to help... I feel so useless...

Midoriya: No Y/n-San! You weren't useless at all the villain that you defeated was one of the top ten stronges members of Hassaikai, in fact he was number five of the list.

Y/n: oh wow, thanks Midoriya. By the way where is Shoto?

Uraraka: him and bakugo had training today and he couldn't come...

Y/n: oh...

I looked down at the bedsheets.

Uraraka: but he was really worried about you Y/n-San, at the point were he couldn't even sleep properly in the morning his eyes were all puffy.

Suddenly the door bursted open, and my mom came in. She quickly rushed to my side.

M/n: My baby! Are you okay?! Are you hurt?! Does your wounds hurt?!

I chuckled

Y/n: Mom, I'm fine, see?

My mom sighed

M/n: sweetheart, please, be more careful from now on...

Y/n: Yes mom, sorry to make you worry.

Before I could say anything the door opened once again and the doctor came in

Doctor: Everyone I'm gonna have to ask you to get out we want to do some last check to make sure she's alright if she is she can be dismissed today.

M/n: Of course.

They all went out and as the doctor said he did some tests and luckily I was fine so I could leave. Me, Uraraka, Asui and Midoriya were on our way to the dorms by the time we got there it was already afternoon I went inside and immediately I was greated by everyone. After a few minutes the door to the dorms opened and bakugo walked in followed by Shoto. As soon as bakugo saw me he just froze there.

Shoto: Bakugo why did you sto—

As Shoto saw me he dropped his bag and came running towards me when he was close enough he pulled me into a tight hug.

Shoto: Y-Y/n?! A-Are you alright?!

I hugged him back

Y/n: I'm fine Sho.

I heard the girls let out a squeak, I just gigled. Shoto finally let go of me, I saw Bakugo walking towards he then placed one of his hand on top of my head.

Bakugo: You... you really scared, damn nerd.

Y/n: oh what's this is lord exposition murder becoming soft?

He quickly pulls his hand away.


Kirishima: and he's back again.

Y/n: Just kidding I missed you all too.

The door to the dorms opened again and Mr. Aizawa came in with Eri.

Aizawa: Ah, I'm happy to see your awake Y/n.

I smiled. Eri slowly and cautiously came closer to me.

Eri: Miss Y/n, thank you for saving me.

I smiled brightly and patted her head.

Y/n: Don't worry about it

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