Kei returned after exactly five minutes and you don't dare to ask what he did with the guy; He's already angry enough with you and now some random thief tried to rob his...well—as much as they don't want to admit it—girlfriend.

Hina was still silent, not bothering to look at Kei, and Iwasaki was still in the bathroom. You weren't sure where you should give more attention to.

"Where's Asami?" Kei said, taking off his jacket and placing it on the couch. Dude is panting, what the hell did he do to the guy?

"The bathroom," You point. "But she's been in there for a couple of minu-"

"I know." He was already leaving the room without letting you finish the sentence. He knocks on the door, "Can I come in?" He says almost whispering. It's amazing how she is able to change his mood and tone. He really loves her. He even knows how she's feeling already, you needn't to explain anything to him. After about a minute she opens the door and lets him enter.

Is she scared?

Iwasaki told you that she would guide you since she needed to hand Kei some papers. You were so distracted with the whole situation about Hina that you forgot you're still on duty. Even if there's something personal going on, you have to keep your eyes open so situations like this won't happen. You could've protected her. But you failed...

"Keigo is with her," It was Hina's turn to break you from your thoughts. "She'll be fine."

"You're talking about him like you know him." You didn't mean to sound so bitchy but it came out that way.

You don't know what Kei and her discussed but the fact that she's freely walking around here means that he trusts her. But you don't. Not fully, not yet.

Especially after telling you you're sisters. Which makes zero sense because if that's true she wouldn't have hurt you that way. And on the other hand her brain received damage from her quirk and she has her own memories mixed.

You just wish you knew what the fuck to believe. What to trust from her words.

"I do, Y/n," She sighs, fidgeting with her fingers. "We'll talk about it. Let's just wait for him, okay?"



I enter the bathroom, looking around to find her. I take a small turn and see her sitting on the floor behind the door. She's not crying. She's not scared—a little thief can't scare her, that I know for sure. She's just...sitting there with a blank expression on her face.

It's the first time I'm seeing her in a state where I can't decipher what she's thinking or feeling. I close the door and slide down the wall next to her, stretching my wing to embrace her because that's the only thing I can think of doing in her current situation.

"Don't be awkward," She says, resting her head on my shoulder. "I'm fine."

I always wondered how she was able to read me so easily. I try hiding everything from the world, I build a whole different persona for the public so I could keep my real self inside me. Asami is different. And what makes me so stunted is how she managed to break my walls in such a short amount of time.

"I'm not trying to be awkward," I touch my lips on her black hair as I reach for her arm to caress it. "I just-"

"Don't know what I'm feeling so you don't know how to react." I'm convinced she has a mind-reading quirk, at this point. "I know, Hawks. You can't always know what a person feels. You can't know everything about them."

I feel like she's calling me out on that because hell if she doesn't know things about my life. I even lied to her about Y/n the day the commission called me to show her to me. I told her she's living with our parents and that I haven't seen her in years because of work.

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