25. Conversations

Start from the beginning

Thor chuckled and nodded nervously at the redhead's words. "Your Mother has spoken. I will not go against her wishes. I don't wish to feel that wrath," he smiled at the smaller girl. "I will see you soon, one day," he added.

"Bye Thor," Amelia whispered, clutching a tight hold on the man who she had come to know in a short period of time.

Thor stepped back and took a hold of Loki, to make sure he didn't escape, not like he would get very far. Amelia couldn't help but look at Loki quizzingly and giggle to herself.

The sight of Loki bound and gagged was one that she found amusing.

"What's so funny, маленький?" Natasha wondered as she peered down at her daughter.

"Loki looks funny with that muzzle in his mouth. Kinda like a dog," Amelia exclaimed as she giggled at the God of mischief who looked less than thrilled about it.

"Yeah, a bad dog," Natasha couldn't help but mumble amusedly as she leaned towards Clint and whispered into his ear. "He kinda looks like Hannibal Lecter, right?" she asked.

"Agreed," Clint couldn't help but chuckle as he smirked while he stared at Loki.

Amelia went back to watch Thor as he took a hold of the cylinder which held the Tesseract inside of it, motioning for Loki to grab hold of the other end of it before they nodded towards one another and twisted the device. The girl looked in awe as the device began to light up and then suddenly the two of them just vanished into the sky.

"Where'd they go?" Amelia wondered confused.

"Back home I suppose," Clint shrugged his shoulders loosely.

Steve turned his attention towards the group. "Well, I suppose that this is goodbye then," he stated.

"Right," Tony agreed.

The two of them hadn't really gotten along, and anyone could see that. It was obvious, but they put aside their differences to avenge the death of Coulson.

"Do you guys really have to go now?" Amelia questioned with a pout on her face.

"Afraid so, kiddo," Tony offered a warm smile to the nine-year-old. "How about the next time that I see you, we'll go and eat cheeseburgers?" he suggested.

"Do you promise?" Amelia asked innocently.

Tony let out a playful gasp. "Since when have I ever broken a promise to you, huh, kiddo?" he asked.

"Okay!" Amelia couldn't help but giggle. "Wait! Can you say hi to Pepper for me?" she asked.

"Sure can. I know for a fact that she misses you too," Tony said as she child lunged forward and threw her arms around him with ease since he was now knelt down. "Bye kiddo,"

"Bye Tony," Amelia whispered, holding onto him tightly.

Tony grinned at the kid and ruffled her hair before he unattached himself from the child and walked over to his car, waving over both to Natasha and Clint from where he stood. After all, he had never been one for sentimental goodbyes, and he was sure he'd see them soon anyways.

"Nice to meet you, Captain," Clint spoke to Steve and stuck his hand out to shake.

"You too, Agent Barton," Steve said as he accepted the handshake and then turned his attention to the redheaded woman. "And you, Agent Romanoff,"

"Likewise, Captain Rogers," Natasha stated, shaking his hand.

"Hey, what about me? I'm here too, you know!" Amelia exclaimed where she stood with her arms crossed and pout on her face.

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