oo1. black shirt boy

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" PERFECT " - matt sturniolo
chapter 01. black shirt boy
[ in real life, third person pov]

"THE RED TOP OR THE BLACK ONE?" evangaline asked the girls posing to the mirror in front of her

"why do you even care? we go out like everyday"

"yeah? but its february 14 day after tomorrow" eva says with a eye roll

"exactly. DAY AFTER TOMORROW" noella says emphasizing the 'day after tomorrow' 

"this is the third year of all three of us being single without a date on valentines day, how do you feel?" eva questions both her friends who are in the bed

"i dont know, its cool but also not. but i want a date this year for sure" ella replies

"never felt so great, i never have to care about a boy" lia replies with a hair flip

"that's true but i could never. i love love love love" 

"ok where do we go today?"

"i dont know, lets just go the nearby pizza place and walk for a while. you know what i mean?" thalia suggests

"sure that sounds good, give me a few minutes. i'll get ready" eva says applying the eye liner.

"i want to shift to los angeles" 


"so i can run into a celebrity almost everyday and maybe one of them will fall in love with me, but london would be better. but i wouldn't have much options. but louis patridge forever. but what if he hates me, so that's why los ang-" eva rambled making the other two annoyed

"oh my fuck shut up eva. you won't die alone. you are HOT"

"i agree"

"are you guys good friends?" eva asks both her friends, very seriously

"of course?"

"then find me a valentine"

"us? we're single too"

"just choose a boy, ill talk to him" eva says with a shrug

"okayyyy, that guy?"

"ew no, i don't like blondes" eva fake gags to her friends. "no offense to blondies" she adds and continues eating her slice of pizza

"yo that dude who's walking out of the place right now??"

"what- OH HE'S HOT. let me go talk to him" eva says taking a slice of pizza from the plate and running towards the 'hot boy' who was with two other boys and was currently walking out of the pizza place

"EXCUSE ME HOT GUY" eva yelled to the group of boys, earning all three of their attention. the three boys looked back at confusion

"fuck why do you all look a like, but the guy in black! you!" she mutters the first part to herself and runs to the boys.

"you just stole a pizza my heart and you walk away? how silly? so mature black shirt guy, so mature" eva uses the most random pick up line

"wow um, im flattered...i guess?"

"go on a date with me, on valentines day. im so cool i swear" eva says to the boy standing in front of her, slightly blushing

"okay sure"

"oh my god, i love you already black shirt boy"

"i'm matt, u flirt girl"

"and i'm eva, u black shirt boy"

- vivi's notes
what the hell was that?!?!
anyway forgive for the worst writing

❛ PERFECT  ❜ - matt sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now