Life in Korea (Bonus Chapter)

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No one

Harley was carrying little Abigail around her house in Seoul, South Korea as her little baby was two years old. The woman was wondering what she could do while her little one was looking around for her three four-legged friends.

There was scratching at the back door.

The woman looked back and turned around, walking past the kitchen and dining room, and opened the back sliding door.

Two dogs piled in with a cat walking behind them.

The woman chuckled as she closed the door and locked it. "Hello, Chewie, Kona, and Mila," she greeted to the three. Abigail was laughing as she was placed on the ground.

Chewie woofed in greeting, while Kona ran for Abigail.

The little girl giggled as she hugged Kona.

Kona licked her face.

She giggled and her mother chuckled. "Mommy, when is Uncle Raul getting here?" Harley could've sworn she heard her own heart break.

Chewie looked up at her.

She looked like she was trying to control her voice as she spoke, "Amethyst, Uncle Raul is very busy today. He'll visit us when he's not so busy with work, okay?" Her daughter nodded her head.

Mila jumped on the counter and licked her paw.

Abigail ran off to the living room and tried climbing on the couch.

Her mother chuckled and went to help her.

Abigail pouted as she couldn't get on the couch. She wanted to watch a movie before her mean dad gets home.

Harley helped her on the couch and sat her down.

"I want go racing, Mommy," said her daughter as she looked up to the woman.

Harley sighed a bit.

Her daughter giggled as she petted Kona and hugged his neck.

He licked her cheek.

She giggled and snuggled in his fur.

Chewie laid at Harley's feet, relaxed.

A yawn sounded as Abigail rubbed her eyes tiredly.

Her mother rubbed her back.

The little girl started feeling sleepy as she laid down.

Harley smiled a bit.

Soft snores were heard as the little girl napped.

Her mother slowly picked her up.

A whine was heard as the two-year-old hugged Kona's neck.

The woman chuckled.

Her daughter's white streaks in her hair glimmered as she laid on her side. She really did look like her Uncle Raul.

Harley let her stay there for now.


I opened my eyes and noticed I was no longer on the couch, but in a place that seemed to never end. The ceiling above looked like space and the floor below my feet looked like dark green grass.

I noticed a glow.

I cautiously walked over and took in a deep breath.

The glow brightened a bit as a voice spoke, Hello, child.

I didn't know what to do. Should I say hi, or listen to Mommy's warning about talking to strangers?

Don't worry. You are safe, they spoke.

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