Another Author's Note ~ I know and I'm Sorry <\3

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Hey everyone! I know I haven't posted in ages and I'm so sorry about that but there's been some major issues going on around me, and I just didn't have any inspiration that wasn't dark and slightly evil. As of now, however, I'm going to try and get one last update in before Monday, the 6/3/23 because I'm going into surgery then and it'll be a few days before I start feeling okay but it'll be a few weeks before I'll get back to normal. I won't forget about this story, and if I do, please to message me and tell me to get my lazy ass into action and give you your story!! Haha, anyway, yeah, I just wanted to make sure you all knew that I wasn't ignoring this story, I'll try get another post in and hopefully I'll be able to 🤞!!

{if you want to know more about the surgery, it's a bit of a public thing because my other story is based around it so you can read that to get more information, if that helps any one,}

Thank you so much for your support and patience, I ly all sm and I'll post again soon!

~ Ashton <3

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