Chapter 7

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Four, long weeks of seeing him every day?

My cheeks flushed at the thought as I tried to chew and swallow a piece of cake. Red velvet. My favorite. Not that he could've known. But it seemed like some great, screwed up, cosmic sign.

That the first time I'd ever felt like jumping a guy, he was an outback cook with a bad attitude.

This was all Chantal's fault, putting stupid ideas about hot Aussie movie stars into my head. Because the fact was, Jack did look like Chris Hemsworth. A lot.

Dark blond hair. Startling green-blue eyes. Requisite stubble. Tall. Tanned. Broad-shouldered. Bad boy to the bone.

Damn. Bad analogy. I couldn't think about bone and Jack in the same sentence without squirming.

When he'd spoken in that deep, gravelly voice and touched my hand? I'd felt off and climbing all over him.

Had to be jetlag. A whirlwind day in Melbourne and two in Sydney hadn't been long enough to readjust my body clock.

Yeah, must be jetlag. I needed a week, maybe two, to get with the program. A program that didn't involve crushing on hot Aussie bad boys with equally bad attitudes.

Reid and Doreen's conversation washed over me as I sat at the dining table, wondering if I could sneak into the kitchen to see if my reaction to Jack had been a one-off.

For someone who hadn't had a lot of experience with guys, I couldn't understand what was so special about him. Discounting his rugged good looks and sexy Aussie accent, why was I obsessing over a guy I'd just met? A guy I'd barely see over the next four weeks.

"I'll need to spend more time in Sydney next week for business and was hoping it's okay if Jess stays here?"

Reid's question filtered through and recaptured my attention. My brother hadn't mentioned dumping me in the outback while he schmoozed in the city. Then again, considering the phonies he hung out with, think I'd rather take my chances out here.

Doreen nodded, but a small frown creased her brow. "That's fine, but I won't be around either. I've got my quarterly meeting scheduled with the financial planner in Brisbane."

"Don't worry. In that case, Jess can travel with me and we'll come back after I finish business." Reid glanced across at me and I glared while shaking my head.

Doreen laughed. "Jess looks like she'll be happier here."

"Jess would," I said, earning more laughter.

"If it's okay with you, Reid, she could stay here?" Doreen pointed toward the kitchen. "Mrs. Gee lives in, as does Gladys, our housekeeper—"

"That sounds great," I said, my overt enthusiasm earning an eye roll from Reid and a compassionate smile from Doreen. "No offense, Reid, but given a choice between Sydney or here? The outback wins hands down."

Reid hesitated and I continued, "Besides, how much trouble can I get into out here? Surely it'd be safer than having me traipse around Sydney, spending way too much of your money while I shop during the day and checking out the clubs at night—"

"You're not legal," he said, sounding triumphant.

Doreen cleared her throat and hid her smile behind her hand. "Actually, here in Australia, Jess is legal. Our teens can go clubbing and drink at eighteen."

I knew my brother. He'd been protecting me since Dad walked out on us so no way would he like the thought of me exploring a strange city on my own, let alone at night while he was busy with his long dinners.

"You sure you want to stay here on your own?" Reid's dubious expression meant he was still torn, so it was up to me to make his mind up for him.

"I won't be alone. There's Mrs. Gee and Gladys."

And Jack.

How much I was looking forward to seeing more of him? That was on a strict need to know basis.

"Plus after spending all semester indoors listening to lecturers, I'd love to get some fresh air." And now, for the sealer. "With my student loans, it's going to be a lifetime 'til I get back here, if ever, so I'd really like the chance to enjoy it."

I must've inserted the right amount of pleading into my tone because Reid finally nodded. "Okay, Sis. You're on your own." He jabbed a finger at me. "But behave."

He grinned at his own joke, knowing that was one instruction he didn't have to issue. I always behaved. I never did anything wrong.

With a hot Aussie guy roughly my age that had 'trouble' invisibly tattooed on his broad chest? Definitely time I stepped out of my comfort zone to see how much fun I could have if I misbehaved.

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