“Hey Ky.” he called and smiled.

“Hey Avin how’s your weekend so far?” I asked.

“Not bad I pretty much played video games the whole time so I’m not really looking forward to school tomorrow.” he said with a shrug.

“I think you need to get outside more often.” I replied and he nodded. I grabbed the Cheerio box from the cabinet and poured myself a bowl and then sat down at the table.

“Sooo how was your birthday?” he asked.

“It sucked, I’d rather not talk about it.” I said concentrating on my cereal before I burst into tears and really made him worry.

“Ok no problem, if you need to talk I’m always here.” he said and then got up and headed back to his room. I finished my breakfast and then went and got changed, I was going to spend the day outside by the pool. Might as well work on my tan since I had nothing else to do.

    I had been laying out by the pool for a couple hours when suddenly I felt a shadow over me. I pulled off my sunglasses and looked up to see Aria.

“You can leave now.” I spat angrily I wasn’t in the mood to deal with her.

“You’ll talk to Gage but you won’t even give me a few minutes to explain.” she whined.

“What is there to explain Aria you took advantage of him, you knew he was waiting for his mate. You might sleep around with other guys but Gage isn’t like that.” I replied my tone making her back away a little.

“I know and I apologized to him I feel terrible, but I was drunk and he seemed willing at the time and it happened Kylie!” she whined and her whining was starting to irritate me.

“Don’t blame this on the alcohol Aria, I know you too well to know that you just don’t sleep with guys because you’re drunk.”

“Your right I don’t but I’ve had a crush on him forever and I figured since he hadn’t found his mate yet then maybe he might want to try things with me. I want him to like me I want him to be with me!” she cried out.

“You won’t be thinking that when you find your mate.”

“What if I never find my mate, if Gage claims me as his I’ll shift and I can keep him as my mate.” she argued.

“Gage wants his mate so why would you even think that would happen.” I spat back and she cowered back again.

“I’m in love with him and I thought if we made a connection that he’s fall in love with me too!”

“Aria if he was going to fall in love with you it would have happened years ago.” I said and I couldn’t help thinking she was acting a little pathetic.

“Yeah because he’s been too in love with you to even notice me.” she hissed.

“Gage is not in love with me.” I stated simply.

“He’s always been in love with you, he acts like it was just a stupid crush but its more then that. If you asked him to claim you he would, he’s forget he even has a mate out there!” she argued back.

“Aria you are being ridiculous. Making me out to be the bad guy in this is not going to make me forgive you any sooner. I’m angry with you, you took advantage of our best friend and put all of our friendships at risk just because you wanted to be selfish.”

“Please Kylie I don’t want to be fighting with you, Gage already isn’t talking to me.” she complained.

“Yeah and with good reason.”

“Please KiKi just forgive me.” she pleaded.

“I don’t know, but not today. I’m not going to forgive you today.” I said and she nodded and started heading for the gate. She looked back at me once to see if I would call her back and tell her I’ll forgive her for everything but I just couldn’t. I had enough of my own problems I didn’t need her around to complicate anything.

    I spent the rest of the week either in my room by myself or with my parents trying to think of a plan for my shift. I guess it was a good thing I hadn’t shifted yet but Friday was almost here and the latest I would shift would be Saturday night. I was running out of time and we had already run out of options. My parents were trying to act strong and like they believed in me but the sad looks on their faces told a different story. So Friday morning when there was still no plan to get me through my shift I decided there was only one thing I could try. I needed to go back to Dallas and back to that club to see if my jerk of a mate would show his face again. I would need to beg him to just stay with me during the shift and then he could walk away and go on with his life like he had never met me. If I didn’t see him at the club I would go off on my own and hope for the best. So I started packing my things and then grabbed my keys and climbed out of my window. I didn’t want my parents asking where I was going because I knew they would try and talk me out of it. I knew they wanted me close to home when I shifted so they could try and help but I knew it was better this way. I didn’t want them to be there if I didn’t make it and this was my only chance to possibly find my mate for help.

    I reached the ground and then ran over to my car which was my baby. On my 16th birthday my parents had gotten me my BMW M3 convertible in red and I loved it. I threw my bag in the back seat and got in and started the engine. I pulled out of my driveway glad that no one had come outside to see where I was going. I headed for the highway to start my trip to Dallas hoping there would be no traffic.

    I pulled up at the hotel that I had stayed with Gage and Aria last weekend and checked in. I made my way up to my room and started to get ready for my night at the club. I knew it might be stupid to go to the club the night I might shift but I was really hoping my mate would be there. Maybe he would be hitting on another girl and trying to take her to bed like he had done with me. I did my hair and make up and then slipped on a purple skin tight dress that exposed almost my entire back. I slipped on my black and purple heels and grabbed my bag and headed downstairs so I could make my way to the club. I took my car this time since I didn’t want to be walking down the street by myself in this kind of outfit. When I pulled up at “The Shift” which was kind of ironic this time, I handed my keys to the valet and headed toward the bouncer at the front door. He smiled when he saw me and went to open the door for me which made a lot of the girls in line yell mean things at me but I didn’t care. Tonight I was on a mission and I was hoping it was successful.

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