The Battle of Castle Gamuk - Part 1

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Essca's first sight of the gem steeds scared her badly

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Essca's first sight of the gem steeds scared her badly.

It wasn't as though she'd been able to see them from a way off, allowing her to get used to them while they were still small, in the distance. The curtain of invisibility surrounding the hillock on which they were camped prevented her from seeing them until they were almost amongst them. Tak had done his best to warn her, of course, assuring her that they wouldn't hurt her and that their great strength would protect her from their enemies, but even so her first sight of their great heads, swaying back and forth on the ends of their long, serpentine necks, terrified her and it took all Tak's coaxing and reassurance to persuade her to remain within the camouflaged area, where she couldn't be seen from the castle.

"What's the situation?" he asked the Captain, who told him that all was well. That nothing had happened while they'd been waiting. Tak could see that he was curious to know why he'd returned without Lord Ruby and who the girl was, but the Captain said nothing, knowing he would be told if he needed to know and wouldn't if he didn't.

That was Barl's way, anyway, but Tak didn't have it in him to treat a loyal retainer that way and so he gave a brief summary of what had happened in the castle, ending with an assurance that Barl was okay. Was continuing the negotiations and would return when the deal was done, signalling for the wing guard if he ran into trouble.

Tak knew that the other Gem Lords disapproved of his treatment of the mundanes, socialising with them as though they were his equals and thereby giving them dangerous ideas, and for a moment he found himself wondering whether they might be right when he saw a look flitting momentarily across the Captain's face. Tak's job was supposed to be to guard and protect the other Gem Lord, that look said. He was being derelict in his duty in leaving him there alone. Then the soldier nodded, though, acknowledging the courtesy he'd been shown in being given the explanation, and asked permission to return to the running of the camp. Tak nodded, and the Captain saluted and turned away.

Tak saw Essca watching the interplay with interest, in between keeping a wary eye on the gem steeds. "You okay?" he asked her.

"Yes," she replied. "I was just noting the contrast between your treatment of your men and the way underlings are treated in Sholl. There, the slightest infraction is punished with whippings and beatings almost to the point of death. It's gotten to the point where many people flinched involuntarily at the mere sound of a stern voice."

"We're you whipped and beaten?" asked Tak, frowning with anger. Her only response was to drop her eyes, though, and Tak felt his hands tighten into fists by his sides.

He decided to change the subject. "We'll have to wait here for a day or two I'm afraid," he said. "Until Barl's finished in the castle. It'll only be for a while, and then we'll be going back home where I can promise you a much more comfortable life."

"I'm fine," said Essca, her eyes shining as she stared at him. "This is a big improvement on the dungeon. A big improvement on Sholl, come to that."

Tak looked uncomfortable as he nodded. "I'm also afraid privacy will be a bit of a problem. We don't have enough tents for you to have one for yourself."

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