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Alia's last few sleepless nights of extensive research and planning had lead up to this. She was in the cold Alpes, waiting like a lioness prepared to pounce on her prey, while also observing harmlessly from the sidelines. She was wearing a pair of dark green leggings and a black hoodie with the hood covering her face. Her long brown locks peeked out from the hood, resting on each side of her chest. Her sleeves were rolled up, drawing attention to her signature glove on her right hand that stretched out to her elbow. The glove carried a dull purple gem that lay on the back of her hand.

She was leaning against a wall in a tight alley, facing the giant clock tower that stood in front of her. Loud bells began to ring through the small town as more people gathered around the tower. She watched as people around her began to shuffle to each side of the alleyway, making way for their leader. They each began to bow as he passed them, which they followed by reaching out to touch his clothes. Alia felt compelled to also do so to blend in with the crowd around her. She bowed her head at the long-haired man whom she was pursuing. He smiled at his followers and nodded in content of their gestures.

She spent the past few days and nights trying to find information on the man she saw in front of her. His name was Arthur Harrow and she believed he was trying to gather a group of people willing to help him unleash the power of Ammit once again. Anubis had informed her of his suspicions of Harrow's intentions and ordered her to find him and stop him before he can do so. However, what she was not informed about was the Avatar of the God of the Moon also looking for the same thing she was.

As his eyes met Alia's, a sense of familiarity struck him that made them both shiver. She continued to follow him with her eyes as he reached the clocktower, his cane bouncing off the ground every time he took a step.

"What a beautiful day. It's like we're in Heaven. Only it's not Heaven, is it?" The man began to speak, his tone sounding melodic to Alia's ears. "It's a darkness. Sometimes it hides in our very hearts. We are here to make the Earth as much like Heaven as possible... Who'd like to go first?"

Alia rolled her eyes at his cultic speech and crossed her arms on her chest, quickly losing patience. Her attention was peaked when a man stepped up to Harrow and offered his soul for judgement. She began to push through the crowd in front of her, trying to get closer to the scene.

"You're a brave man. Offering your soul for judgment," Harrow rested his cane on the man's palms. "Wanting to serve our goddess even before she wakes."

The cane began to swing back and forth.

"I judge you in Ammit's name with but a fraction of her power."

Alia's eyes widened to see a tattoo of Anubis' scales of Judgement on his forearm. The tattoo came to life as the scales began to swing from side to side. The scales turned a green colour as they stopped at a position that looked like they had balanced.

Arthur faced the man with a smile. "This is the face of a good man."

He pulled the man into an embrace and patted his shoulder as if he was proud of his accomplishments. Alia's attention was averted when she saw a man dressed in a brown jacket started to wander between the crowds. She took note of his disoriented face, but she brought her gaze to a woman who stepped out of the crowd.

"Please, Harrow. I must know."

"Call me Arthur. Come," Harrow gestured to her in a friendly manner. "Will you accept your scales, regardless of the outcome?"

"Yes," the older woman nodded.

Alia watched as the scales of Judgement began to swing from side to side once more as Harrow's cane swung back and forth. However, this time the scales turned a red colour while leaning towards one side.

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