rating system

20 2 4

Hey :) welcome welcomee

I think the blurb has made quite clear what this book is about, but I'm basically talking about other books that I have read yay. Possibly in a cringe, overly dramatic way (including english grammar mistakes), but it might be interesting to some of you!

Oh also, let me tell you one thing - I absolutely hate rating systems.

And I don't use them in any type of specific way, because whether I like a book or not is so complex?
I just end up overthinking it 24/7.

Currently I am giving five stars max., but I have indeed thought about reducing it to 3 stars or creating different categories that I rate separately.
I am not very nuanced when it comes to giving those stars idk, I just put them wherever it feels right and don't think about it, so don't see them as an important part :) But they never quite feel accurate
+ I'd rate books differently after time passed

What are your thoughts on that?

✩ fe

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