"What?!" I exclaimed. "Since when did Billy control us?"

"Chloe, calm down," Bella urged me, not wanting me to aggravate my concussion. My friends glared at Jacob. Logan put his hand on Bella and me. For me to calm down. And for Bella to not talk.

"No, Bella, don't," Scarlett told her.

"Jacob, you and Billy can't decide for us. We don't belong to you. Last time I checked. We don't know you guys. Why don't you tell him to fuck off" Hazel told him.

Jacob looked down. "I'm sorry," he got up.

"I didn't want you to get to hurt again." "I only got hurt because Bella here was clumsy," I replied. "Blame me instead," Bella joked. I looked pointedly at her.

Bella sighed as Jasper and Edward came up to us.

"Your boyfriends are here," Jacob told us as he turns around. "Make sure to tell Billy no and to pay up," Bella told him as he left.

Scarlett flipped him off. "I will," Jacob replied as Jasper took my hand.

"Ready, Ma'am?" Jasper asked as he guides me through the dining room. Mr. Molina and the other teachers are there.

"I can't believe you're making me do this,"

I laughed as Jasper smiled. "It's your Prom night," Jasper told me. "Cherish it." Jasper guides me around a corner to the backyard. The Prom was Monte Carlo style.

Gaming tables and roulette wheels. Guys in tuxes and girls in gowns gamble for prizes, dance, and socialize. "You are trying to kill Bella," I told him.

"Prom is an important rite of passage. I don't want you to miss anything," Jasper told me as I couldn't be mad at him, unless I'm in rage mode, then I don't give a fuck.

We continue into the prom. Several heads turn.

We saw Alice and Thomas and Rosalie and Emmett dancing. Rosalie glances over at Bella and me with Jasper and Edward. She had indifference that has replaced fury.

Rosalie waved at my friends and me, and Alice waves brightly at us.

Bella returns it with a smile as we hear a crossfade into the next track. I saw Eric at the turntables, making the room bounce, next to him, Lauren, wearing headphones.

Flipping through a stack of vinyl. They nod at Bella as she shot them a smile.

Hazel glared at Eric and pulled Angela to the dance floor. They looked so good together. I could see Eric's regret. "He's regretting his decision" Jasper whispered as I laughed.

A flashbulb got my attention.

Mike and Jessica stood in front of an Aston Martin cut-out. Bella catches their eye as Mike does his best for James Bond's impersonation. Jessica poses like Pussy Galore.

Bella pointed to Jessica's chest and did a thumb-up.

Hazel and Angela were dancing, Jessica, and her friends had been ignoring them since they started dating. Scarlett is at the drinks table, most likely spiking it.

Logan and Grace were dancing and talking. Jasper smirks, then turns to me. "Shall we?"

He asked. "We shall," I replied as Jasper carried me to the dance floor. Jasper looked at me,  who smirked as we joined the others, in a dance. He placed my feet atop his own and started to move.

I smiled. "See? You're dancing," Jasper told me. "At last." "And at prom," I added.

"But I don't need help dancing you know" I get off his feet, we danced normally.

Jasper dipped me, which took me off guard. I laughed at his face, walking outside, still laughing. I sat down and looked up at the stars. I hear 'Because You Loved Me' by Céline Dion play.

I sighed as the song played, Jasper walked up to me, looking at the sky.

I looked at him "Jasper" he looks at me, smiling. "I love you" I told him, he smiled as he put his hand on my cheek. "Say it again please," he asked, his voice gets deeper.

"I love you," I say again as he kisses me. We pulled apart, we stared into each other's eyes.

No one will surrender tonight, but I won't give in. I know what I want, I thought as Jasper kissed me. We listened to the song. Jasper chuckled as he got up, I looked at him.

He gave me his hand, rubbing the top of mine.

"May I have this dance, my love?" I giggled as I nodded yes, getting up.

I took his hand as he pulled me up. Jasper smiled as we slowly danced, I laid my head on Jasper's chest as we danced.

I looked up at Jasper, kissing him, I giggled as he picked me up and spun.

"I love you" I said, looking into his eyes. "I love you too" Jasper kissed me.

-Third POV-

Someone's watching Chloe and Jasper, and Edward and Bella dancing, looking down from the window of a second-floor hotel room in the Inn. The slow music wafting up in echoes.

It's Victoria, turning from the window.

She's stylishly dressed now, but seething. A low, sinister snarl appeared in the back of her throat. Her burgundy eyes filled with vengeance and tears as she walked away.

She vowed to avenge James as she removed her hair from her hairdo and walked away.

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