Childe x Reader [Snezhnayan Winters]

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You stared at the clock, waiting for your boyfriend to get home.


"Ugh... why does he always take so long..." You yawn, tears prickling the corners of your eyes. You always attempt to stay up late waiting for Childe to come home, but you always end up falling asleep.

Looking outside, the snow storm was getting worse, and you subconsciously allowed your mind to spiral. What if he wasn't warm enough and got frostbite? What if he slipped on ice and threw out his back? You anxiously tapped your foot and bit at your nails. Usually, you try not to let your mind race like this, but you couldn't help it. You know Childe is fully capable of taking care of himself... Looking outside, you sigh.

"If he isn't home in the next hour, i'm going out to look, just in case he did slip on ice."

And so that hour came and went, still no sign of your boyfriend.

"Fuck it, I'm going to check, just to ease my mind." You layered as many sweaters, coats, scarves, gloves etc., making sure you were all bundled up.

You opened the door, a gust of freezing wind nipping at your nose. It was much too cold for your liking, but you pushed through anyway. You slowly marched through the heavy blizzard, squinting your eyes, trying to see if there's any sign of Childe.

Suddenly, your feet have been swept from under you as you land hard on your tailbone. Like an idiot, you slipped on ice. You winced at the pain that skyrocketed through your legs and back.

"...Oww." You sharply inhaled, letting yourself lie down for a moment before composing yourself again. Though, as you attempted to get up, a sharp, aching pain shot up into your back. You tried many more times, but it didn't work. The pain was too much, you couldn't get up.

"I'm such an idiot... I should've waited at home." Tears began to well up in your eyes, almost steamy as they ran down your red cheeks. You didn't wear enough warm clothes, the snow pounding on you, the cold stabbing you with the feeling of tiny needles.

'This is it... I'm going to die.' you thought.


Back at home, Childe opens the door. All the lights in the house were still on. Weird. Usually you're asleep by the time he arrives home from his work. He searches around the house, first checking the bedroom.

'Maybe they just forgot to turn off the lights.' Childe thought. He looked in the bedroom, the bed was still made, and you're not in it. He checks other rooms in the house, still no sign of you.

"[Y/N]?" He calls out. No response. Childe calls your name a couple more times. He's starting to panic, frantically searching the house more. His mind began to race with all the possibilities of what could've happened and where you could be.

Childe knows he has many enemies, could one of them have found where you live and taken you? No... he knows you wouldn't have gone down without a fight, since there's no sign of a struggle. But... they could've knocked you out and dragged you away without any real hassle. Now the panic has really set in. He could almost drop dead with the thought of you being kidnapped.

Running back towards the front door, before he left to go find you he noticed something... Your boots, coats, scarves and gloves are all missing. Putting two and two together... oh no.

"... Fuck." Childe uttered under his breath. Running outside, he began to look for you out in the snow.

"[Y/N]!... fuck, fuck!" He called your name, the blizzard strong, pushing against him. All the snow making it hard for him to see, but not too hard. He's used to the snow, but you being from Sumeru, are not. At all.

You had been lying in the snow for about fifteen minuets now. Everything hurts now, wondering if your fingers have turned black from frostbite with how much they hurt. You cried in the blizzard, you're never going to see Childe again. You should've stayed home, but you just had to let your anxiety get the best of you.

"... I'm s-sorry... C-Childe..." You hoarsely murmured, stuttering from your teeth chattering.

Childe had finally spotted you lying in the snow. He sprinted to you, kneeling by your side.

"[Y/N]?! You idiot! What the hell are you doing out here?!" He looked around at the thick ice below the two of you.

"... C-Childe?" You barely spoke above a whisper. You looked up at him, his eyes were frantic with worry, and a tinge of anger. You signed in relief.

Not wanting to argue in the middle of a Snezhnayan snow storm, he gently lifts you up bridal style, holding you close against his body. You hiss when he lifted you, more pain shooting up your back. He quickly ran back towards the house, closing the door behind him with his foot.

"Can you stand?" His tone of voice wasn't happy with you at all. His ocean blue eyes staring deeply at you. You weakly shook your head no, unable to really speak words with how cold you are.

Childe walks over to the fire pit laying you down as delicately as he could. He grabbed pillows and blankets off from the couch and nestled them around you. He threw wood into the fire pit and lit a match, throwing it into the fire. You just watched as he gathered all these items for you.

He took off all his snow gear and began to boil some water for tea. Walking back, he sat beside you.

"You need to get out of these clothes, they're practically soaking wet now." He said. Carefully he began to take off your wet coats.

"One sweater? You wore one sweater underneath your coat." You looked away from him, embarrassed and ashamed of yourself.

"What the fuck were you thinking, [Y/N]? Care to explain?" Childe was pissed. But only because of his love and concern for you. He loves you more than anything, more than himself. It makes him want to die with just the thought of anything life threatening happening to you.

"I just... I was worried. You were late coming home." You spoke softly.

"I'm always late coming home." He countered.

"The snow storm had me worried for you... I thought, maybe you had slipped..." You admitted. Expecting him to give you a good lecture, he began to laugh.

"Oh [Y/N]... you never cease to make me laugh." Childe leaned down towards you his arms on either side of your head.

He whispered in your ear "Never... ever, do that again. Do you really want to send me over the edge? Having a heart attack if whether you had gone missing or gotten hurt?" His proximity to you was so close. His breath tickling the side of your neck and jaw. Making you blush, but also intimidating you.

"I'm sorry.." You whispered.

Childe stood up and walked back over to the stove to continue making your tea. He comes back and hands you the mug, your hands wrapping around the mug, warming your hands.

"Thank you, Childe." You smile at him. Even though he's mad at you, he can't help but smile back. He sat down beside you, pulling you into his side gently -trying not to hurt you much further- and wrapped his arms around you. He kissed the top of your head.

"When you feel all better, I'm going to have to punish you, my cutie." he says seductively into your ear, making your face quickly turn red.


Word Count: 1294

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