The End Alessandra

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Numb. Everything is numb. I killed my best friend, and now I’m alone, just like before, flashbacks of when I was four, sitting on the swing, alone. It seems that at the worst moments of my life I’m always alone. I can be blamed this time though, I killed my best friend, it was me. I entered a room, alone. The room was empty, alone. I walked towards the balcony, alone. Alone, alone, alon-

“Alice!” Osvald. He was behind me, I wanted to turn around and look at him, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t see the hatred in his eyes, and after what had happened, hatred was bound to be shone through the love and acceptance. “Alice, please look at me,” Osvald sounded like he was begging, he didn’t sound upset? “I can’t lose another friend…please.” He spoke without any light, like the fire had been drained from his soul, quite literally, because the loss and the grieving were taking too much of a toll on his abilities. 

“No, no, no, no.” I spoke still looking over the balcony, and now I turned and could see his face, he looked more drained than upset.

“It’s not your fault, Ally. You didn’t know he was connected. It was the only way to defeat The Minister, okay?” He asked and then sighed when I didn’t answer, it had been like this for weeks, others telling me it’s okay and explaining that they weren’t mad. But I could see on their faces that they were upset about Borden dying, and maybe even upset that our Minister was being replaced with what Effrain referred to as ‘The scar of our land’ when he had compared the world to pride rock from The Lion King. That’s another thing, Ian had tried explaining the world and the abilities and all other things to me, like he did the others, but I wasn’t listening much, how could I when the only thing I could think about was the fact that I had murdered one of my oldest friends? Now I was stood staring at Osvald as he tried to explain why he’s not mad, but it didn’t make a difference, I was mad…at myself for being so stupid, for letting my anger take control of me. I was not okay. Sometimes I even thought that I was crazy, who would murder their best friend and be sane? But the thoughts of crazy were pushed away by the self-loathing and hatred filled thoughts. 

I murdered my best friend…how could I do that? I'm such an idiot. I just killed him like it was nothing. Why? What did he do to deserve that? I’m crazy. 

Thoughts filled my head and threatened to overflow, like tea in a small teacup, a teacup full of dark and scary thoughts. I never even wondered this before but now I was questioning..

Would I kill Osvaldo too? Or Thad? Or Ezequiel? Or any other of my friends? Noe? Or even Effrian? Who would I kill next?

Osvald. Osvald was standing in front of me, the perfect target. NO! Stop it! STOP IT! My mind blanked out as these words were said in my head. My mind blanked out until I awoke with blood on my hands and my friend's body lying before me, lifeless. I always thought that I wanted to be the good guy, but maybe the bad one’s not so…bad.

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