Founder's Dedication

Start from the beginning

But back to the genres, fantasy and adventure are the deep loves of mine as I mentioned! A chance to unwind, in a new world, something that can tell stories close to our hearts in new ways.

I'm looking forward to being in this book club and branching out into reading all sorts of different books. I think reading is often just as fun as writing, if not more so, and I cannot wait to get stuck into some brilliant stories here!

Hey guys! I'm Coati! I'm an anxious and socially awkward French woman, with some Scottish and English family, but I have traveled a bit throughout the years and ended up settling in Guatemala a few years ago, and work here in the humanitarian field. I've been writing random things since I was 7 years old, but I only published my first story on Wattpad in 2021. I'm currently focusing on writing Drugs, Treasons and Other Demons, a thrilling dark romance, but I love to read books from any genre, especially if they have humor in them!

I love to figure out new ways to improve my writing and promote my books on Wattpad, and I love sharing some advice, so if you think you could do with some tips, don't hesitate to reach out!

I'm Anna. I'm a survivor of many things and a devoted mother of two. I'm also French at heart and write in English. I write from my imagination about things that I chose to embellish rather than describe through the lenses of your normal glasses. I mostly wrote for myself, in my own world between surrealism and poetry.

I just want to get lost in someone world as you would in mine, if you like Greek Mythology, vampires, metal music and feminism ;).

I'm looking forward to read, to learn, to grow and to meet other writers :).

Hello, my lovelies. My name is Lorraine, Spanish by birth but I live in Belgium. Speak and write about 7 languages and learning Japanese now through anime, but I'm most comfortable with English even though it's not my native tongue.
I finished my novel Fallen Angel a year and a half ago. Took 4 years to complete because of all the research. Wattpad honored me by granting the win in the LGBT awards last Summer in category Fantasy and honorable mention overall.
I am currently working on the prequel which takes place 2000yrs prior to the main story and 5 fanfics are WIP. Got 4 other novels (unrelated to FA) and another fanfic lined up as well.

I'll read anything as long as it isn't fluffy romance, chicklit and teen fiction. I make exceptions for friends and if I'm guaranteed some drama. The darker the story, the better your chances of me liking it - expect much drama and darkness in my own stuff, fair warning.
I mostly write fantasy/paranormal/history and fanfiction. Plot twists are my forte. You'll never expect where I'm going with the story until it knocks you out hehe.

Hello, I'm Fellycia, but you can call me Felly for short. I'm a non-English speaker, but I'm most comfortable with English and only write in English. I'm 26 y.o. entrepreneur who writes as a hobby. A grown up kid who reads on the bed past midnight, who loves the smell of books, who sees dragons in the clouds and fantasies about a magical world.

I'm mostly an introvert person, but that doesn't mean I can't be a social butterfly when needed. I like to read, I like to write, I like to think, I like to dream, I like to talk, I like to listen, I like to sing. I like to see the moonlight at night. I like to feel music flowing in my ears. I like to daydream about the world of the book that I wrote when I can't sleep in the middle of the night. I like flowers, midnight rain, aromatherapy and vintage music. I like things that are out of style. I also like to collect vintage books and vintage dresses.

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