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__Tails could feel Scourge tensing up beside him as he glared at his fellow moebians. Tails was uneasy, too. There was so much happening already and now they had another problem to deal with right off the bat. They and the moebians were standing in the middle of the park. There were civilians scattered around the park now that Sonic and the other Freedom Fighters had left. There was quiet chatter of confusion and curiosity surrounding them. Miles was staring at Tails, waiting for some kind of reply.
__Tails felt Scourge grab his shoulder and decided to back up with him. T-Pup was following them and looking up at them as they leaned their heads in close. "Well?"
__"The fuck do you mean well?" Scourge hissed. "Send them back. We don't need any more problems, do we?" He asked rhetorically.
__Tails sighed as he flattened his ears. "But what do they mean by benefiting us as well?"
__"Nothing," Scourge sneered. "I know these guys, Tails. Anything 'beneficial' to us is more beneficial to them and will just cause us more problems."
__"You may be right," Tails muttered. "But I wanna at least hear them out so we can have a reason to send them away."
__Scourge leaned back dramatically as he groaned before he leaned forward again while crossing his arms. "fffINE!"
__Tails gave Scourge a quick pat on the shoulder before the three of them walked back to the moebians. Miles was tilting his head while looking interested. "Well?"
__Tails took a second to stifle any sounds of annoyance before replying. "What kind of proposition?" He asked slowly.
__Right before Miles could reply there was a blue flash of light appearing in front if them. This caught everyone off guard as they jumped back. It had been Shadow and Rouge who had teleported in front of them. Rouge for some reason was wearing loose clothing. Shadow was looking around until he saw Tails and walked up to him. "What exactly has happened?"
__This annoyed the hell out of Tails. He shoved Shadow back and started growling. "Where the fuck have you been!? We could've used your help!"
__Rouge was tugging on her loose gray shirt as she walked over to them. She ignored T-Pup as it started demanding attention from her. "Sorry about that. We don't keep our communicators on us when we're..." Shadow gave Rouge a gentle slap on the arm. This made Rouge straighten up her posture and clear her throat. "At home. Yep."
__Tails felt his eyelids twitching. "You're kidding," he said in disbelief and annoyance. "You chose now to give in to you're sexual pleasures!?"
__Rouge crossed her arms and turned away. "What we do at home is none of your business. How the hell were we supposed to know something bad would happen right at the time we decided was a good moment?"
__Shadow was not affected by anyone's emotions in the slightest. "What happened?" He asked again.
__Tails found himself flattening his ears as he looked down at his feet. Now he was feeling upset as he lived through the whole event again. "Manic... told Sonic about Queen Sonia killing herself."
__Rouge let out a horrified gasp as she turned and looked back. "Sonia's huh!?" Even Shadow's eyes grew wide from shock.
__"Sonic... couldn't take it," Tails continued softly. "He transformed into his Dark Form and started attacking us. He almost killed Scourge." Scourge had opened his mouth to object before he took a step back and crossed his arms. "Sonic will be staying with his family to grieve. He put me in charge."
__Shadow's ears twitched as they heard annoyed whispering. He turned around and looked at the moebians with disgust. "And them?"
__"They were giving Scourge his money before they wanted to talk about some dumb proposal," Tails grumbled.
__This made Miles moved to where he could see Tails. The moebian fox looked offended. "Dumb? You haven't even heard us out!"
__"All right, then what is it?" Tails was starting to get aggravated now. He didn't understand why his emotions were suddenly all over the place. He just needed to be calm.
__"We need a strong power source," Miles said with a smirk. "And we heard about your little predicament with this world's Robotnik. We want some of those crystals."
__Tails leaned back. "How did you find out about them?"
__"We sent our own chameleon friend here to do some snooping," Miles explained rather nonchalantly. "Guess none of you could see through his camouflage."
__"I did," Shadow spoke.
__Scourge went and stood next to Shadow. "And you didn't think to bring it up?" He growled.
__"No. He was only watching us," Shadow muttered. "Besides, I told him that I'd put him down easily if he interfered in any away."
__"Ah, so that's why the wuss came home crying," Alicia mumbled.
__Tails was shaking his head. "We can't bother with getting you any of those crystals. Eggman is already at some sort of advantage with them, and we can't afford to sneak into The Cave of Legend so soon after we already snuck in and sounded the alarms. What would we even gain from getting you those crystals anyway?"
__"See? I fucking told you," Scourged said as he glared at Miles.
__"Oh, come now, Scourge," Miles said calmly. "Things have changed in the past decade. You should have more faith."
__"Says the one who turned his back on me," Scourge growled.
__Miles ignored Scourge's remark as he continued. "We just want to do a small test for now. We'll then decide if they're worth coming back for. If you so wish when your time for battle commences, then we shall bring aid. We can bring more people to fight while also taking away some more of his power source. We'll even help speed up the process of making that dagger for Scourge when that time comes." Miles then narrowed his eyes as his smirk grew bigger. "What do you say, Tails? This is your call now."
__Tails was conflicted with what Miles just suggested. He wasn't surprised, though, that this Miles would come up with some kind of enticing offer just to get what they wanted. He didn't even know completely how those crystals worked yet. He had yet to read those documents he got from the flash drive. It would be stupid to take the risk for something they didn't need. Sure, they could use more soldiers to fight against a tyrant, but they already had plenty of people to fight even without Sonic. Plus, Tails knew Scourge wouldn't be needing that dagger to fight. He only needed another one made just to have. Speeding up the process with getting it finished was not necessary for their war. None of what the moebians wanted was helpful enough. It would just be another waste of their time, and now that Tails was taking charge he wasn't going to take any risks.
__Before he could refuse their offer, however, he heard snow crunching behind him and turned around. Sally and Cream and Cheese were slowly joining them. He looked at Sally slowly. "I thought you two had left," he tried to say as calmly as he could. He was still feeling uneasy around Sally.
__Sally had her arms folded and was holding both of her elbows as she shook from the cold wind. "We didn't leave yet. The two of us were just watching from the trees." Cream was looking embarrassed as she was hugging Cheese. The chao did not seem to be knowing what was going on.
__Tails snorted. "Watching us for what reason?"
__Sally grinned as she eyed Cream. "Ehhh... it's not that important. Anyway," she looked serious now. "Why bother with them right now? We got other important things to do than experiment. You even said it's too soon to break in again and that we're all to grieve tonight for Queen Aleena and Queen Sonia. You don't need to be wasting your precious time right now."
__Tails was biting his tongue. He was trying so hard not to yell at her in front of everyone here. Sally was not trying to tell him what he needed right now. He knew Sonic had already reminded everyone about this last year, but Sally was either forgetting or just flat out did not care. He stifled a groan as he tried to make direct eye contact with Sally while staying as calm as he can. "Can you let me finish, please? We're not done discussing this."
__Sally tilted her head while she narrowed one eye. "There's no need for further discussion, is there? Just tell them no and be done with it."
__Scourge moved and was about to speak when Tails raised up his hand to silence him. "I know what I'm doing, Sally. Just let me do what I need to do. Your concern is not needed." He had not meant to say that last sentence out loud. It just slipped out. It was too late to take it back now.
__Sally looked slightly offended as she dropped her hands on her hips. "My concern is not needed?" She repeated slowly. "Sonic may have put you in charge, but don't forget who really runs things around the Freedom Fighters."
__"This is not up for discussion," Tails sneered. "Just back off and leave me to do my business how I see fit." He couldn't stay calm and collected. All of his anger and annoyance from everything that has happened since Doctor Eggman returned was catching up to him. They were starting to cloud his judgement. He was right. He was always fucking right. He always had to prove that he was fucking right.
__"You can't do everything by yourself, Tails," Sally pointed out bitterly. "I already know that. Sonic already knows that. You need to understand that everyone is only trying to help."
__Tails flattened his ears and started gritting his teeth. "Everyone? No, Sally. This is you we're talking about here. Don't lump everyone else down to your level."
__Sally took a step back. "My level?" Now she was glaring at Tails. "All right, Tails, what the hell has gotten into you? Don't think I never noticed how you've been behaving around me as of late. I figured that whole year we took a break from each other would have fixed that, but no. You're still acting like I'm the problem here. Well? What is it then? Tell me!"
__Shadow was grabbing Scourge's arm and pulling him away from the arguing Freedom Fighters. This made Rouge and Cream back away as well while the moebians and T-Pup stayed where they were silently. There was real bad tension between Tails and Sally right now. After all this time it was finally reaching the surface, and in front of others no less. This would have been easier on Tails if he didn't have to slander Sally in front of their friends, but there was no going back now. It was about time he got that shit off his chest. He was fucking tired of it.
__"You want to know?" Tails was slightly growling. He could feel his fur standing on end from his shoulders. Even his two tails looked bigger. "Fine! I've tried to let this go, but you're giving me no choice. You know very well how I feel about others making decisions for me, but have you ever cared to take that into consideration? No! You don't take my opinions seriously anymore. You think you know what's best for me when you don't. I'm the one who can decide what I need."
__"Well, sorry that I care too much!" Sally retorted.
__Tails shook his head. "Not only that! You had the audacity to have a backup boyfriend incase Sonic did choose Amy. I know I'm not the only one that thinks that's horrible."
__"Oh, come on! I already knew Sonic was going to choose Amy! I only decided to stop chasing after him so I could return to the one who has been waiting!"
__"It wasn't just me you've been aggravating anyway! You knew how much Sonic wanted to keep distance from his family, and you just had to decide what was best for him and force him to have to see them again! We all knew and understood his reasoning!"
__"Someone had to help destroy that barrier!" Sally snapped. "Besides, now Sonic is working to be better with them!"
__"But why are you so obsessed with meddling with everyone's lives!?" Tails yelled out. "You're so obsessed with taking charge of other people! You always have to be in our business and never asked if you could! I'm sick of it!"
__"Everyone's business?" Sally growled. "Or just yours?"
__Tails did not like Sally's tone, as hypercritical as it was right now. "Why do you insist on trying to make my life easier? I don't need you to treat me like I'm still a child!"
__Sally scoffed. "Don't forget who raised you! I can't help but worry! "
__"I never asked you to raise me!" Tails snapped. "I don't owe you shit!"
__"You wouldn't even be where you are now without me and all the others taking responsibility for you, you ungrateful fool!" Sally reminded him bitterly. She then growled while shaking her head. "You're not even acting like yourself! Just send those moebians home so we can all go home!"
__Tails hadn't felt this angry in a long time. Sally still wasn't listening to him. He was not having this. "You know what!?" Tails turned and pointed at Miles aggressively. "I'll accept your proposal! We can even get a look at those crystals right now!" He didn't care if he was contradicting his earlier thought. He had something to prove.
__"Tails!" Both Scourge and Sally yelled af him.
__Tails turned to glare at Sally. "I'm done here, so no more of your bullshit, all right?"
__"Bullshit!?" Sally shrieked.
__Finally Shadow decided to walk over. He put his hands on both of their chests and shoved them away from each other. "That's enough. What are you going to gain by keeping up this petty argument?"
__Tails bit back his tongue after Shadow calling this petty. He could not make himself argue with Shadow.
__"You have said already that it's too soon to try and sneak into Eggman's base," Sally reminded again as calmly as she could, but it still came out angry.
__Tails snorted as he held up his hand to Shadow. "If anything goes wrong he can simply teleport us all out of there. I know what I'm doing." For some reason he found himself looking at Cream for any kind of reaction, or rather validation. When she made eye contact all she did was smile awkwardly while nodding. He didn't know why he had bothered.
__Scourge was carefully walking over to Tails. When he stood behind him he put his hand on the fox's shoulder. "Buddy, I think we need to talk."
__This just made Tails turn to glare at him, making the green hedgehog retract his hand. "I don't wanna hear any more shit. I've already decided and I'm sticking to it."
__"Exellent!" Miles said as he clapped his hands together. "Let's get this started already, shall we?"
__Scourge was quietly growling as he suddenly grabbed Miles' shirt and pulled him in close. "If you try anything that hurts them in any way, I don't care how small, I'll make you all regret it. You know that already." He took this chance to sneak a glare at his mother.
__Miles had his eyes wide and ears flattened as he held up his hands. He still feared Scourge. That hadn't changed apparently. "You got it."
__As Scourge let go of Miles Tails knelt down and picked up T-Pup. He wanted to get out of the cold already. That proved to be so when he heard Scourge sneeze a couple of times just now. He then looked at Shadow. "Can you please take us there?"
__The black hedgehog only nodded.

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