Chapter Sixty • Bloodshed

Start from the beginning

"I know what my governess have said." She interrupted. "If Elizabeth could have her way, she would have me on bed rest until I have had this child." She went on and gave her belly a short glance before meeting Master Bergen's gaze again. "But, if the people are in need of help, or are gathering at the gates in such numbers to meet me or as for my help, then please call for them and organize an audience so we can address their concerns." She told him and ended the conversation right then and there.

A moment long enough for her to consider asking nicely went by. It gave her more than enough time to become nervous and anxious over meeting the people on her own for the first time. Despite having sat by her husband's side during more than a few audiences, she had rarely participated actively. At least not enough to be comfortable to do it on her own without him. Her husband had been trained for this and had his father's word and advice to help him. She had neither of these. 

Fortunately, the moment passed. Saving her from having to ask or beg when the advisor finally seemed to accept her request.

"As you wish, your grace." Master Bergen answered, bowed and stepped back. "I will send for you when we are ready for you in the throne room." 

"No." Jade objected quietly. The advisor's brows rose and then furrowed in confusion. "Call on me before. I want to be there when everyone arrives." Master Bergen's perplexed expression unraveled and left in its wake a pleased one instead. He bowed his head before her and left. 

What on earth was that? She wondered while rolling her shoulders back to rid herself from the tension that had gotten them incredibly stiff and uncomfortable. For some reason it feels like he is genuinely helping me... Is he helping me? Can I trust him despite that he tried to convince William to end our marriage? Despite that he might be here fighting Eleonora's war against me? No. Not yet. Not until William gets here. 

"Your jaws will crack, your grace. You have to relax." Brother Richard's muffled voice told her. Jade blinked and turned towards the sound of his voice. Understanding that she had disappeared into her thoughts, she blinked twice to wake up. Coming back to it, she felt an immense pressure on her teeth and jaws, only to realize that she was doing it to herself. "What in the heaven's are you thinking of that can make your face go so unyielding and hard?" The monk asked the second he noticed that she was back and that her jaws had loosened a bit. 

"Master Bergen and his intentions." Jade sighed quietly. Unable to make sense of  the turmoil that was her thoughts fighting with her gut feeling. "It feels like he is trying to help me but I do not know if I should or can trust him." She admitted to him. Letting him know exactly what she was thinking. 

"Forgive my... candor... your grace." The monk cleared his throat to speak. "Did you not tell him to not bow before you or address you... as is proper? That he was not allowed to do these things?" The monk queried as they started walking again. "And do you not hate him, your grace?" He wondered.

"I have... and I do." Jade replied automatically without giving her answer much thought. It was instant and honest. "Why do you ask?" She wondered when she could not think of anything else to say. Turning to see his reaction. 

"I mean no offense." He began hesitantly while grimacing shyly as if to display just how little he wanted to meddle... or just how much he wanted to but thought he ought not. Jade smirked the second those words left him. She knew that whatever he was going to say next was going to question her. "From what I have heard, and experienced since we came here, this was a rare and very..." he smacked his tongue twice in search of a word that perfectly described what he had just witnessed "courteous talk between the two of you."

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