As the test goes on, all the students are tired except you and Aizawa, as you both look tired in the first place. But in regards to whose more tired looking, it will be Aizawa getting that title.

"Looks like you didn't improve that much on your quirk, except L/N. Still a good job, and on the next project we will be having a camp training."

The student groaned in response but still cheered as this was very similar to a field trip. Only for others to stop cheering when Sensei follows with a note that only those who pass the exam can

"NO! Sensei, why did you betray us like this?" Yamada whined while kneeling on the ground, followed by Oboro nodding his head in agreement. You and Aizawa, who were watching all of this, could just sigh, knowing where this will lead.

And just seeing Oboro and Yamada looking at where you stand, "Okay, I'll teach you. But you need to pay for the food."

"That's why you two are the best!"

As you four are now going back, Oboro stopped you all, "Shota! Hizashi! Y/N-san."

"Once we graduate, let's start a hero agency! I think the four of us could resolve anything. You know, since there are four of us."

"That doesn't make sense." You said you were frowning at the sudden idea of Oboro, though you'd gotten used to it as he has many of them.

"Well, even if someone makes a mistake, the other can cover for him or her. Like I said before, Shota pays attention to details. Hizashi is an expert in resolving disputes and, what's more, can make up a quick excuse."


Oboro continued, "And you, Y/N-san! Like a mother hen, you always look after us. Come on, let's partner up!"

"Don't start whining if you can't make enough money." Yamada snickered but agreed to join Oboro's plan.

"You got it! What about you, Y/N-san? Shota?"

"Give me a break; I didn't even say a word," Aizawa replied, but behind that frowning face is a hint of a smile.

"I'll just stay at home," you jokingly said.

"Man, Just join me. You two! Let's partner up!"

"Sure, whatever you say."

"Yes! Starting today, why don't we make up a name?"

"Hey, Hey! We still have more than a decade to think about it. Today, why don't we get something sweet? My treat!" Yamada simply said he earned a smile from all his friends. But all of this happy memory didn't last long because, as soon as the camp training ended, followed by the Hero work-studies, it ended in a sad, sour ending.

The two friends didn't expect it; they didn't see it coming. If they knew this would happen, maybe they could have prevented it. But it was already late when everything had crushed down, and Aizawa and Yamada could be deaf and watch the destruction of the place.

They lost Y/N and Oboro during the hero internship together. The building collapsed where Aizawa and Yamada were saved by Oboro. As for Y/N, they didn't find her. The police ended the investigation, declaring that she died in the crush and that the body was underneath the ground.

Aizawa called it bullshit; not only was he angry at the authorities for declaring it and not doing their job right, but he was also angry at your parents for accepting that you were gone.

Aizawa and Yamada knew that you were alive somewhere, as they didn't see you and didn't want to think that you were indeed dead. But... maybe it was time to declare it after all the years of not finding even a hint of hair.

NEFARIO (Bnha x Anti-Hero Reader)Where stories live. Discover now