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Kora woke me up the next day softly, with a soft smile on her face.

I loved this girl more than anything.


She put a cup of coffee beside me on the nightstand and kissed me on the forehead. "Did you sleep well?" I ask, "Yeah, haha, I did. and you?" I nodded in response, saying, "Why are you up anyway? It feels early." "Jobs!" she laughs and swings a tea towel over her shoulder jokingly. I get out of bed and pick the tea towel off of her shoulder and put it on mine. "I'll help, meu amor." I smile.

If you thought I was joking, think again. The house was spotless and fresh, and we went shopping now.

I put my hand on her thigh as I drove to the supermarket. "Eu te amo bebê," she said, smiling warmly at me as she looked directly at me. I was focusing on the road, but I could feel her eyes on me.

I held her hand tightly as we walked in. I looked down at her and realised she was wearing my hoodie. "It's cold in here," she said, shivering. I laughed at her and gave her my coat as well.

"So what do we need, bebê?" I said, looking down at her, who was holding the list. We walked around the supermarket as we ticked off the list.

We bought our snacks and then went home together. We shared a bag of tortilla chips as we drove home.

"I'm so hungry," she said, dropping the two heavy shopping bags in her hands onto the floor of the kitchen as I followed behind her with another two.

"What are you fancying for dinner right now?" I said, "Oh, stop, you're already getting an English accent." She laughed, "How can I not when I play with Ben and Mase?" "That is very true." "No, but seriously, what do you want for dinner?" "Well, I was thinking..." I stood there staring at her until she decided, "Maybe we could make pizza from scratch?" I nodded and got the ingredients out.

She started rolling out the dough as I prepared everything neatly. As she finished, she brought out her hand, indicating she wanted the bowl.

She started making the tomato sauce, and I chopped the stuff we were going to put on it. She got out a spoon and spread the sauce on top of the dough, and we put the toppings and the cheese on.

She puts it in the oven as her phone rings; it's her sister.

"hello?" "hello kora? "Are you there?" Kylie answered, "Nahhhhhh, I'm flying to the North Pole." "Wait, really?" "No, now what do you need?" "I need you to look after Storm and Aire tomorrow if you can. "If not, I'll ask someone else." "joao?" She turns around and looks at me, asking if we're free and can take care of her kids for a night, to which I nod in response, "Yeah, I'll drop them off at yours tomorrow." She says hanging up

"So we're going to have her kids tomorrow?" I ask just to make sure: "Yeah, it should be alright." "Doesn't Kylie live in America?" "Yes, she does, but she came to the UK for some interview thing, and I think she's making her own brand or something I don't know."

We get the pizza out of the oven, and it looks perfect.

koras pov

We eat, and then I get ready for bed.

I was going to watch a movie, but as I was watching it, I fell asleep. I felt a warm hand going through my hair, and I also felt João's lips plant a kiss on my cheek. "Goodnight, meu anjo," he whispered as I felt his hot breath on my cheek. He laid a blanket over me and then got himself ready for bed.

"Morning bêbe!" he said, putting down a freshly made coffee on the coaster for me. "Did I tell you I love you?" I said it with a half-asleep smile while trying to keep my eyes open. "Yes, you tell me every day, Anjo," he said, folding a blanket and putting it into place. "Good!" I say with an even bigger smile. "Now sit up; we need to be awake because Ky is going to be here soon with the kids." I completely forgot about that, and I'm surprised he remembered too.

Kylie got here with her kids and was in a rush, so she dropped them off quickly. They were very tired, so me and João relaxed them and set up our bed so they could nap for a few hours before we actually started our day.

In a few hours, they woke up, and we went out on a drive to go get some breakfast. Joao strapped them in and then got in himself, as I smiled at him lovingly, thinking about how lucky I got to be with him.

We drove to the place and looked at the menu when we arrived. Obviously, the kids couldn't read, so we had to read it out to them, and we finally ordered


We finish breakfast and go back home to play with the kids before waiting for Ky to pick them up.


"Morning meu anjo," he says as I start to wake up, "morning bêbe!" "I brought you coffee," he says, smiling proudly. "Aw, I love you so much," I say before pecking him on the lips.

"So it's fine if you say no, but can I go see some friends tonight?" "Of course! Why would I say no?" "My friends girlfriends get really suspicious, so I figured—" "I trust you," I say as he smiles and hugs me. "Thank you, Bêbe."


I waited at home, watching TikTok while he was with his friends, waiting for him to come back. "I'm home!" he says, calling from downstairs, as I chuck my phone straight out of my hands and onto the bed as I run down the stairs and hug him. "I missed you!" I say, kissing him. "I missed you too, bonita!"

a/n: been awhile since I've uploaded, am so sorry. but I will try be more active! also, sorry this part is so dry, I will try make up for it 🤭

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2023 ⏰

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