12 | new friends + confession

Start from the beginning

"She is also very encouraging and helps people when they are in need. That's what I love her for. And not to mention she's pretty!" She blushed after all she said.

"It seems you are head over heals for this girl, huh?" Wen Qing laughed softly.

"One day, he'll love you back."

"Thank you Xiulan, this conversation helped me a lot, thank you for your hospitality. And I suggest you confess to your lover soon" Wen Qing got up and bowed deeply.

"No need to bow, its just what I do. Maybe I'll ask her later." Xiulan said.

"Well, I have to go back now. It was great meeting you." Wen Qing says as she waved and ran.


"You're late", Wei Ying said. "Sorry, I lost track of time talking to this new girl"

"Oh, what's her name?" Wei Ying asked. "Fu Xiulan."

"Fu Xiulan.. I've heard Jiang Cheng mention her a few times."

"She's really friendly and made me cheer up." Wen Qing says smiling.

"Ooh, new lover?" Wei Ying teased. "No! She already has a lover, her name is Li Jiaru."

"Well, it's almost dinner. We got to go." They both went back to Qishan Wen Clan.


"I'm back!" Xiulan said entering the house she shared with someone.

"Oh Xiulan! I made dinner, come eat!" The girl with the name Li Jiaru said preparing the dinner table.

"Is this my favourite soup?!" Xiulan couldn't contain her excitement and started drinking the soup with extreme happiness.

"Don't drink so fast! You might choke!" Jiaru warns.

"Hehe, sorry. Its just so good." Xiulan said with a big grin.

"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it. If you want seconds, there's more in the pot." Jiaru stated while cleaning the cooking supplies.

Xiulan thought back to when Wen Qing asked her to confess to her lover and thought it was finally time.

"Jiaru", Xiulan called out.

"Hm?" Li Jiaru turned around to face Xiulan.

"Can I.. ask you something..?" Xiulan asked with a her face as bright as a tomato.

"Of course, what is it?" Jiaru asked sitting down next to Xiulan.

"I.." She hesitated for a moment before continuing. "I like you."

"Aw, I like you too. You're a good friend." She got up from her seat before being pulled back down by Xiulan.

"Not as a friend. I like you romantically." Xiulan said flustered.

Jiaru blinked twice before the words got to her head.

"W-what? Y-you l-like me romantically?" Jiaru stammered in embarrassment.

"Yes. And will you let me court you?" Xiulan said without hesitation.

"I.. I need time to think. I'm sorry, Xiulan." Jiaru said getting up and going to her room.

Xiulan wanted to stay optimistic and atleast it wasn't a rejection.

She will wait for her decision as long as she can.


Back in Jiaru's room, she kept questioning herself.

"Why would she like me..?" Jiaru kept asking herself.

"Should I give her a chance? Maybe.. I'll think about it."

She eventually gave up and retired to bed to have a good night sleep.


Fu Xiulan was out night-hunting to let out her frustration while Jiaru was asleep.

She was sitting on top of a tree after killing a bunch of ghosts.

But, while she was off guard, a powerful spirit knocked her over the branch and she ended up falling from a high place.

She fell down with a hard impact landing on her head as she fell backwards.

She got knocked out cold.


Jiaru wakes up at 9am in the morning, later than her usual 6am schedule.

She walks to the kitchen only to be surprised.

Xiulan wasn't there.

She would usually be cooking breakfast and when she saw Jiaru, she would engulf her in a big hug.

But today, she was nowhere to be seen. No lights where on.

Jiaru started panicking and thought maybe Xiulan was out?

She grabbed her sword, and left the house.

She started searching the ground, the training area and the forest where Xiulan would night hunt.

After an hour of searching, she found Xiulan laying unconscious under a tree.

She fell down on her knees and starting shedding tears.

"Xiulan!" She immediately picked her up and carried her back home on her back.


Once they reached back to the house, Jiaru placed her on the bed and went to get some medical supplies.

She applied some treatment on Xiulan's head before wrapping it securely with a bandage.

Once they reached back to the house, Jiaru placed her on the bed and went to get some medical supplies.

She applied some treatment on Xiulan's head before wrapping it securely with a bandage.

While she waited for Xiulan to wake up from her sleep.

She went into the kitchen to make some herbal tea for Xiulan to drink when she wakes up.

She also cooked some dumplings.

After atleast three hours, Xiulan finally awoken.

Jiaru walked into the room just to see that Xiulan has already woken up.

"Xiulan!" Jiaru rushed to the bed and gave Xiulan a bone crushing hug.

"My head hurts.." Xiulan clutched her head in pain.

"I found you unconscious in the forest, what happened?" Jiaru asked. "I remember it was a spirit who knocked me over and I fell down.. I don't know the rest."

"Oh, well be more careful next time! You made me worried sick!" Jiaru scolded.

"I will! I will!" Xiulan replied.

"I made some food, let me go get it!" Jiaru said getting up.

Jiaru came back with a tray in her hands filled with dumplings and the herbal tea.

"Here, drink this tea first." She passed the herbal tea to Xiulan. "No.. It spells weird." Xiulan refused.

"But its good for you!" Jiaru says. "No! I don't want it!" Xiulan refused again.

Jiaru got an idea and said, "I'll feed you."

That got Xiulans interest as she nodded almost instantly. Jiaru eventually fed Xiulan all the herbal soup.


The next few chapters might contain alot of scenes involving the new characters and I apologise if that's not to your satisfaction.

Meet the new characters>

Fu Xiulan and Li Jiaru. Tell me what you think about them. I'd really appreciate it. <3

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