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-your pov-

Yesterday was still okay i guess . I got new friends , met my brother , escaped classes . But something in me is not alright . Something feels incomplete . I feel alone . I have Kahar , Abang and Naim . But still , I feel alone . Ever since mom and dad divorced , everything changed . Papa dh tak macam dulu . Mama dh stop contacting me . Abang's the only one that truly cares . Tapi ...


I'm laying on bed , can't sleep , just jamming , listening to music with my earphone . I sneaked my phone in , but i don't think i have to hide it anyway . Papa kan cikgu kat sini . Kabel ;]

My mind is going places . My hand is playing with the note that abang gave me after yesterday's recess . He said he has a lot to talk about , but he's not ready . So he wrote it in paper instead . He even wrote that he's not ready to talk about mama papa , and I understand . I should be careful next time

" Sunyi gila . Dah la aku sorg je dalam dorm . Bosan sial " I said to myself

- end of y/n's pov -

Since you're the only girl, of course . Of course you have a whole dorm for yourself . You asked your dad if you could bring Hakeem to sleep with you but well .. the answer is obviously no . Not really sure why , but your dad kind of dislike Hakeem . Is it because he's bawah jagaan your mom ?

You live with your dad , Hakeem lives with your mom . You find it unfair that you had to separate with your brother . The ones that are in a conflict are them . Your parents . Why did they have to take you and Keem away from each other ?

After few more minutes of overthinking , you decided to walk around the school . Yeah bad idea I know . Why would someone walk around at 3 in the morning ? But who cares

You were walking around, talking to yourself the whole time , then you bumped into someone. You almost shouted , who would've thought that there's someone else other than you wandering around at 3 ? Or what if it isn't someone ?

" BAB- haih kau rupanya . Terkejut aku gila ! " you said

" Shhh ! Diam la , nnt warden dgr " Ariz whispered, shutting your mouth with his palm

" Ikut aku " Ariz dragged you to an area in the school, that you aren't familiar with

" Tempat apa ni " you looked at him

" Tempat healing aku " he said while taking a box of cig out of his pocket

" Berani eh . Tak takut kantoi ? " You smirked while questioning him

" Kau kan ada . Kau anak cikgu , boleh ah aku pakai kabel " he laughed teasingly

" Merepek " you hit him playfully

" Sebatang ? " He asked while handing a cig to you

" Aku ada " you took out your pod from your pocket and take a hit

" Fuh mantap ah . Tak kantoi ke weh bawa pod " Ariz excitedly asked

" Kau sendiri cakap en , kabel " you laughed

" Tak aci dho " he frowned . You gave him your pod and let him hit

" Fuhh bukan slalu dapat barang baik " he smiled happily , his eyes disappearing into the smile

Kem Bulan Madu ; phcWhere stories live. Discover now