Chapter 2: Obsessed with him

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Later in the night when Dib went home he realized his sister was still awake. He thought back to his interaction with Zim and wondered if maybe she knew something.

"Gaz?" Dib called.

"What, Dib?" Gaz answered, annoyed. Per usual she was glued to her game. Barely paying attention to Dib or anything around her.

"It's just... I ran into someone in the street today."

"Did you apologize?"

"Yes, but they seemed familiar to me."

Now, this. This caught Gaz's attention enough to put her game down and look at Dib. Dib found it unusual. Since Gaz never puts the game down no matter what.

"Really?" She said intrigued.

"Yes, and They seemed to know me."


"Their name? Pretty sure it was Zim?"

THAT made Gaz's eyes widen.

"So what?" Gaz said.

"Do I know them?"

Gaz looked around and then said to Dib, "Follow me."

He followed her. She led him towards her room.

"Why are we in your room?" he asked.

"I have something of yours here."

"Why do you have something of mine?"

"I took them when dad was throwing away your stuff."

"... What?"

"You never noticed?"

Gaz stopped in her tracks prompting Dib to also stop. She then realized something.

"Wait... you don't remember Zim?" Gaz said.

She didn't believe it.

"Is this a joke, Dib?"

Dib was a bit freaked out. How could he not realize if his dad threw something of his away? and... Zim. If Zim was a huge part of his life to garner a reaction from Gaz. How can he not remember him?

"No! I swear it isn't!"

Gaz got a little box out of her drawer and handed it to Dib.

"What with the box?" Dib asked.

"It's yours."

"What's in it?"

"Open it."


Dib opened the box to find pictures of Zim inside. He didn't know what to think of it.

"... why do I have so many pictures of him?"

"Don't ask me. You were the one obsessed with him."

Obsessed. Obsessed with him. I was obsessed with him?

"I stalked him?"

"I guess you can say that."


"You followed him around, always knew what he was doing, and always talked about him."

"Was I in love with him?!" Dib asked, flustered..

That made Gaz snort.

"This isn't funny Gaz! How can I not remember him after all that?"

"Old you would be petrified by the thought of you thinking he was in love with Zim."

"So I wasn't?"

"That's what you said whenever I mentioned it."

"So why did I take all these pictures of him?"

"You were trying to get proof."

"Proof of what?"

"That he was an alien."

"Ugh, why?"

"You wanted to prove to dad that the supernatural exists."

"The supernatural is bogus though."

"You really don't remember?"

"This is freaking me out."

"You love the supernatural."

"The supernatural isn't scientific."

"You loved the supernatural."

"No, I didn't."

"Your diary said differently."

"...I forgot about my diary."

"WAIT! You read my diary?!" Dib yelled.

"Yes, now get out of my room."

Truth be told Dib not remembering Zim or any supernatural stuff freaked Gaz out. So, she distracted herself with the comfort of her game.

Back in his room, Dib looked for his diary. He finally found it after digging around. He pulled an all-nighter reading his diary. He must have read it a dozen times. He doesn't remember any of the stuff he had written there. He analyzed it making sure it was his. He looked at the pictures over and over. But it just didn't make sense. If it was such a huge part of his life how can he not remember?

After pulling an all-nighter he decided not to go to work the next day. He fell asleep at 5 in the morning only to wake up at 8 in the morning. He decided to text Zim.

Dib: Hi, it's Dib.

Zim: Hello

Dib: I was wondering if I can go over to your house?

Zim: alright

Dib: Can I get the address?

After Zim sent the address Dib headed over to Zim's house.

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