" Oh and sebelum saya lupa , saya nak ucapkan selamat datang kepada y/f/n , pelajar perempuan pertama di KUDRAT . "

You looked over to the headmaster , and he's signalling you to go on the stage .

You rolled your eyes and obeyed him . Standing on the stage , you're quite shocked by how many the boys are . Down there , you can't really see them all . Upstage , you can finally see the total of students in the hall . You took the mic and introduced yourself

" Assalamualaikum . Aku- Saya , y/f/n . Pelajar perempuan pertama dekat KUDRAT all boy school . Hope I'll be accepted here " You gave him back the mic and walked down , back to Naim .

You intentionally mentioned all boy school , to mock your dad . And after the assembly , your new life begins .

-Next day-

School is alright so far , nothing bad , nothing fun . You escaped your first period because why not . You're not in the mood to learn, so you decided to walk around the school . But then , you bumped into a tall guy .

" Aduh .. eh . Macam kenal " you said

" Oh , kau " Kahar . You saw his name tag , and his face seems familiar . Ah .. yes , the group yesterday . He was one of the guys that were eyeing you at the hall

" Sorry " he said , while bowing a bit

" Takpe .. Kahar kan ? " You said , and he nodded

" And you're y/n ? " He said while smiling , taking out his hand , offering a hand shake . You nodded and took his hand . But then , you remembered Naim's reminder . He did warned you to not interact with Kahar's circle . He seems alright so far , so what does Naim meant by that ?

" Power ah kau . Baru masuk dh main escape kelas eh " he said , raising an eyebrow

" Cakap orang .. Kau apa beza " you replied , hitting his arm playfully . You two then walked together, silently to avoid teachers .

" Takdela .. aku .. takde mood la nak belajar . Masuk sini pun kena paksa . Ini bukan tempat aku . Anyway- kau ni asal escape " you changed the topic , since u feel like it's nonsense to talk about this with a stranger you just met

He chuckled " Malas . Dh biasa buat macam ni , dengan geng masuk air aku tu "

" Hm ? Geng ? Dah tu mana diorang ? Aku tgk kau sorg je " you asked

" Eh haah la . Aku jalan dengan geng tadi . Lepas terlanggar kau , aku terus ikut kau . Hehe aku tertinggal diorg . Takpe ah pandai2 ah dorg cari aku " he laughed at his own silliness , only to earn a smack on his head

" Ish pergi la kejar dorg balik . Kalau dorg cari kau macam mana ? Sian la " you said

" Taknak , nak dengan kau " he said jokingly, with a smile . Ah , apa ni . You almost had a heart attack because of that sentence

" Mengada " your cheeks turned red

After a while , you two heard a voice calling Kahar's name

" Woi ! Kahar , mana kau sial . Alahai mamat ni menghilang pulak . Woi Kah- "

" Aku kt sini la sial " Kahar said

" Aku puas cari kau , kau boleh2 gi lepak ngan awek lak eh " he earned a smack from Kahar

" Ha ni geng aku , Zahrin . Kan betul aku cakap, pandai la dorg cari aku " Kahar said and you smiled

" Uishh lemah semacam suara kau depan awek . Ngan kitorg kemain keras . Eh harini kemas2 dah kenapa . Baju tuck in , name tag pun pakai  " Zahrin teased Kahar , and the other guy gave him a glare . The glare was intimidating that Zahrin backed off a bit . You too , unfortunately .

So he's not usually like this ? Huh , interesting

" Dia je ke geng kau ? " You asked

" Ada lagi .. biar je dorg " as Kahar said that , another voice started calling for him . The voice got louder and finally the guy arrived . You were shocked by who the guy is . Your eyes grew wide and your mouth opened but nothing came out

" Kat sini ko rupanya ?! " 

Kem Bulan Madu ; phcWhere stories live. Discover now