In the library

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      As Gilly and I walk into the library the past few minutes play over in my head. Ever since a few months ago when I was called to a meeting and told I had to break up with Gilly because she isn't a princess and stop being her friend because they didn't want the press to suspect anything. Well I told Gilly about it and she was hurt after all she thought that my family liked her. Anyway I told her and we came up with the plan that we will publicly break up and try and keep our relationship a secret. Of course I know a few people will catch on but as long as the press and my family don't find out I'm okay.
"Hey," Gilly says breaking my train of thought, "so what magical item do you want to use."
" I don't really know," I shrug ,"maybe a magic mirror?"
" Maybe" she responds, " or maybe a wand or genie lamp."
" Oh I like the genie lamp idea." I say then out of no where Ollie and Kayla pop up.
" What are you to doing here I haven't seen you to together with out arguing in weeks."
I hate all of the pretending to Gilly we are best friends and more she is where I feel safest.
" Professor Harlow made us partners for that group project in her class,"Gilly cuts in.
"Yeah," I say in the most annoying sound of voice I could muster.
"Sorry dude that must me rough, no offense Gilly,it's not that your bad or anything it just. You know what I'm just going to be quiet,"Ollie says.
" Yeah I know the tension has been tight ever since you know," Kayla mumbles.
This is just getting better and better by the minute I think.
"So because we want to leave each other alone as soon as possible can you leave us to focus,"I say hesitantly.
"Of course," they say at the same time and hurry to leave us alone.
"Jax,"Ollie said," remember Kayla and I have a date tonight so I won't be back at the dorm until late tonight."
"Okay see you later then," I say then sigh as soon as the leave.
" Let's get back to work."
"Okay I will go grab some book for us to research on genie lamps."

Time skip

"Hey Jax," Gilly whispers, " why do you think professor Harlow put us together."
"Hmmm I don't really know," then I realize, " it's Jocelyn I bet she is trying to get us back together after all she is the biggest Jilly shipper."
"I bet your right, well there is nothing we can do about it now." She sighs, " anything good on genie lamps."
"Yeah, I just don't want to work on it anymore tonight."
" I agree so how bout we got do something fun just to two of us," She asks.
"Theif," I breath pretending to be taken aback, " are you asking me out on a date I thought we weren't aloud to do that."
She punches me in the arm, "I could always go ask Jack instead."
"You wouldn't dare."
"Oh I would," she says matter of factly.
"Okay where are we going," I ask.
" Could go take a walk in the gardens since not many people will be there or go ride the Pegasus."
"What time is it."
"Only 9," Gilly says.
"Then let's do both,"I decide.
And we walk out of the library hand in hand.

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