"Yes, Mr. Brekker."

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{Y/n's POV}

I walked around the dark, bustling streets weaving my way through people. I snatched the most expensive or useful things. Wallets, watches, rings, so on. I walked into an alley, carefully climbing the wall of garbage and stepping up onto the roof of a building. I found this place when I was 11. I assembled a small staircase of garbage for easy access to the roof. I sat on the chair marveling at the valuables I managed to steal. 3 rings, 1 watch, and 4 wallets. I stuffed my borrowed items in a box and stuffed them under the chair. I stood adjusting my long dark grey long coat. fixing my [H/C] hair and walking back over to the edge of the roof. I jumped down onto the ground below me and stuffed a small bladed knife in my pocket. I didn't have many weapons. A few knives. Even then I only carried 1 one me, just in case. I strode out of the alleyway as if I didn't just steal from multiple strangers. 

I noticed I was a bit hungry but unfortunately most places were closed as it was a holiday for Sankta Alina. I strolled down the now almost empty street. Everyone was probably enjoying the Holiday at home with their family. I sniffed a bit, the cold nipping at my nose. I nestled deeper into the coat looking for any sign of a open bar.

Bingo. The bar looked relatively empty. Bad news. It's easier to get kidnapped or jumped. My stomach reminded my why I was out in the first place and I quickly stepped inside. Relieved from the cold I looked around. It wasn't the cleanest bar ever but it certainly cleaner than most. I looked at the sign on the wall. 'The Crow Club'. Interesting name. I passed a boy around my age, Zemini. His cold grey eyes staring at me like I was an animal at a zoo. I reverted my eyes feeling uncomfortable. I walked up to the bartender and asked for a drink. As I waited I looked around the bar. You could tell the owner of this bar wasn't poor. A wonderful place to steal if you ask me. 

I picked the boy I saw earlier. He looked the friendliest even though when I first entered he was glaring at me. I walked up to him.

"Hello I'm [Y/N]." I greeted. he let out a hum. "Jesper, pleasure." He grinned. What a fun character. I slyly scanned him. My eyes looking at his trousers. More specifically, his pockets. "My eyes are up here." He snorted. I flickered my eyes to meet his gaze. "Sorry." I muttered, feeling my face heat. I have to play along if I wanted the guns I spotted on him. My dignity is leaving as we speak. "It's fine, happens all the time." he laughed, winking at me. Now how to get those guns...

A few men walked up to play against Jesper. I whispered in Jespers ear if I could watch the game. "Knock yourself out." He responded. Perfect. What made it better was that I was quite charming. I waited till towards the middle of the game when I leaned over his shoulder, hovering right over him. He ignored me. Good. I put my hands on the sides of the seat of the chair as if I was using it for support. He glanced up at me, catching my gaze and grinning like a fool. When he went back to his cards, I slowly grabbed his guns carefully slipping them into my pockets before excusing myself saying I was going to get myself a drink. Time to get out of here. Aw, I didn't even get dinner.

I walked as casually as I could towards the door. I was right about to leave when someone slammed their arm across the doorway. I turned glaring, about to argue with who I saw, when I realized. It was Jesper. What made it worse was that he didn't look happy. "Man, if looks could kill." I said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood. "You think my stare is bad, wait until I bring you to my boss." He growled. 

One minute he was swooning over me, playing cards. The next he looked ready to kill me. He stuck out his hands. "You have something of mine." He sneered. I could play dumb but that might provoke him more. I sighed handing back the beautiful revolvers. He whispered something to the guns, kissed them, and put them back into his holsters. Shame. Those would have made a nice amount of kruge. 

"Follow me." he growled. He grabbed my arm, and I froze up. My heart leaped as I stared at his hand. "Lets go." He huffed annoyed. He followed my gaze down to his hand. He looked up to my shocked expression and sighed. He awkwardly ran his fingers through his hair then asked me to follow him. He walked behind me directing me where to go. Gun to my back. We approached a beautifully carved wooden door. It had crows on it. Ironic. Jesper roughly grabbed the door knob before pushing it open. I walked inside to see a man working at his desk staring at papers. "Jesper I thought I told you to knock." he growled. He glanced up and noticed me first. "Jesper, what is the meaning of this?" He huffed. "She tried to steal my guns, caught her weaseling out the door." He glared at me. I shifted uncomfortably in the two boys' gazes. "She buttered me up, then pickpocketed me." He sneered. 

The man at the desk rose his eyebrows for a split second then went back to his stone cold gaze. "What's your name." He asked, no, demanded. "[Y/n]" I responded. Not best to lie to these men. They looked like they meant business.

The man at the desk folded his hands together, his ice cold brown eyes on me. "Listen here '[Y/n]' I don't want you ever to attempt to steal from my men ever again, if you do, you can bet your head will end up on a pole outside of the club." He finished. I flinched, barely, I knew I shouldn't show any weaknesses so I imitated the best glare back at the man.

"I'm not one for second chances but you look like a nice kid. You can work off the disrespect here-" I interrupted. "For disrespecting you?! That's absurd! I have never-" I shouted. He glared at me with the coldest stare and I thought I saw Jesper shudder next to me. "Don't ever interrupt me if you want to keep a tongue to speak with." He spat. This man... He was the master at intimidation. He made you feel tiny compared to him. "Do you understand?" He asked. "Yes." I said. "Call me Kaz Brekker." He finished.

"Make your leave now." He growled. "Yes, Mr. Brekker." I mumbled. 

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