Carried (Sanders Sides)

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I love the idea of the sides just picking Logan up like its nothing-

Quick warnings: This will be a bit sad in some, smutty in others- The only real trigger warning is lack of self care and lack of self worth

Ship: literally any- could technically  be DRLAMP (Roman and Remus aren't together,  but are with everyone else if that makes sense) or you could choose a specific one,  and have that be the ship

Virgil picks Logan up when he knows he's been working for too long, and hasn't slept. Its usually at 3 or 4 in the morning, and seeing as they're both insomniacs, he decides they could use a nap. He picks him up over his shoulder, bringing him to his room, putting on Big Hero Six or a nice space documentary and 'forces' him to cuddle until they both pass out. Roman or Patton finds them later that same morning.

Patton does it when Logan hasn't been taking care of himself, and is clearly in need of some gentle affection. When he notices Logan talking badly about himself and how he's unwanted. He holds him on his hip, pressing kisses to his hair, forehead, ears, nose, and chin, telling him all of the things he loves about him. Eventually he'll sit with Logan in his lap, rubbing his back and continuing to praise him, even as the nerd lets a few tears fall, telling him to just let it out. He also does it when he's excited, hugging the daylights out of him without meaning to.

Roman does it to show off. He straight up bench presses Logan- That, and he picks him up and carries him around when he wants to see Logan blush, because the poor guy gets so flustered every time anyone carries him like a princess. He'll walk around the mind palace, calling Logan his Nerdy Princess, spoiling the male with love and even bringing him to the imagination's castle, where they create flower crowns together.

Remus picks him up and almost always pins Logan to the wall. He'll whisper dirty things into Logan's ear, and often does it in public spaces such as the kitchen. He likes to consensually manhandle Logan, and uses extremely explicit and vulgar words to elicit a reaction.

Janus absolutely spoils Logan. Having extra arms means that he can carry Logan AND do other tasks. Often, when Logan hasn't been eating or sleeping, or has been working extremely hard and deserves some time off, he'll grab Logan out of his chair, holding him close. He'll make food while whispering about just how good he is. How he deserves the world and he'll be damned if he can't give it to him.  Janus will make an entire day of simply spoiling his love, massaging him,  doing skincare with him and just letting him relax. Stress free day for Lo-

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