Eventually, Dovey let out a heaving sigh and stood from her desk. "Well, I need to see how the professors are getting along with set up. Would you care to join me?"

Lesso turned. "I'm afraid I have some other business I need to address. But I'm sure the professors got along just fine. You did give them explicit instructions."

Dovey's face contorted into a frown as she and Lesso made their way out of her office. "I just want to see our students enjoy themselves. There have been so many changes in the last few years. Not to mention a plethora of dangers. I want this night to go perfectly. Give the students one night of magic and whimsy, without worry looming over their heads."

Lesso shrugged, "Fair enough."

She stopped in the hall at the point where she and Dovey were to go their separate ways. "For the record, I think tomorrow night's going to be great. I've seen how hard you've been working to make this perfect. Personally, I think it's going to be your best ball yet."

She let a small smile inch up the corner of her mouth.

Dovey's smile was even larger. It was rare that Lesso commended her fellow dean in such a manner. And it always meant the world to Clarissa when she was complimented by her friend.

"Thank you Lesso," Dovey whispered. She bowed her head for a second, before turning and disappearing into the Grand Hall where you and the other professors were finishing setting up.

Lesso then turned and made her way back toward the Castle for Evil. She had something important she needed to do.


By the time Dovey made it to the Grand Hall, set up was almost over. It had only taken you an hour and a half, though it took another thirty minutes just to re-do the things that Dovey was unhappy with. By the time you finished, it was around 11:15. Plenty of time for you to take a quick shower before lunch.

As you stepped under the hot water, your body relaxed. You felt it run down your skin, easing your aching muscles that were still somewhat sore from your duel with Hester two nights prior. You inhaled the scents of pine and spruce that wafted in from your open balcony, and sighed as your eyes closed and your head fell back.

For what felt like the first time in a long time, you felt at peace. You had confessed your feelings for Lesso, the ball preparations were running smoothly; even Dovey seemed to be in a better mood today than usual.

It was moments like these, when you were alone and your mind wasn't running a mile a minute, that you remembered you still had light magic.

You conjured your ball of light, and watched it dance between your fingers. You could almost feel the excitement of your good magic finally being used again. Now that Lesso spent most nights with you, it was rare you had time to use it. Though you knew you couldn't keep this side of you a secret forever.

The brothers and Storian had been very adamant about no one finding out you had attended both schools; though you had never understood why. It wasn't as if you could throw off the balance. If anything, you figured the balance would be stronger.

During your time at the school, you once decided to ask Storian what the purpose of keeping that detail hidden was. She, of course, had responded in traditional Storian fashion; by saying something super cryptic that didn't make any sense.

"It will all make sense in time, young one," she had said. "You are the key to a lock that has not yet been forged. There will come a day when all will be revealed. But today is not that day."

Eventually you brought your other hand up to catch the ball of light. As you spread your hands apart, the light grew larger and brighter. You had forgotten how good it felt to wield this magic. 

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