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Jirou and I continued talking, as Mr. Tokuda took pictures of the students eating and talking. "So what's her name?" I grinned.

"Yaoyorozu." She giggled. "She's pretty and really sweet too." Jirou sighed, resting her chin on her hand. She gazed at her, love transporting in every blink of her long eyelashes.

"You really like her, don't you?" I teased.

"Maybe a little." Jirou laughed. "I just...I think she's perfect. Her eyes, her hair, the way she walks, the way she talks. Everything. I love all of her."

"I better be the maid of honor." I elbowed her, and she just laughed.

"You will, you will, don't worry." Jirou looked up at me. "But what about you? Any cute girls that caught your eye?"

"What?" My eyes got wide as blood rushed to my cheeks. "Not at all! No! Why, ahahah, um uh, why would you say that?"

"Oh, come on, now you've gotta tell me! Who's the lucky lady?" She leaned in.

"Well, I barely know her. We met this morning. Plus, it can't be love! Probably just aesthetic attraction, right?" I rested my chin on my knees. "I don't know her."

"What's her name? I might be able to help you know her." She stood up, outstretching her hand. I took it.

"Ochaco Uraraka." I smiled shyly.

"Oh, that makes sense for you." Jirou chuckled. "Well come on, let's go talk to her." She led me over to the table with Uraraka and Izuku. "Good morning guys. Have you talked to Miss Y/n L/n yet?"

"Y/n! It's so good to see you again!" Izuku stood up and gave me a big hug. "Uraraka, this is my cousin. Y/n."

"Oh, hi Uraraka! Remember me?" I waved, feeling my face getting warmer.

"Yeah, from this morning! I'm glad you're here." Uraraka giggled.

"Wait you guys know each other? How?" Izuku looked at the two of us, taking a sip of his juice.

"I was running late this morning." I chuckled, scratching the back of my head. "I bumped into Miss Uraraka here and sent her stuff everywhere. We had a brief conversation while we picked up her stuff together."

"What in the rom-com is that meeting?" Jirou snicked.

"Oh, shut up." I laughed. 


Everyone quickly finished their breakfast and walked out to get to their class. Unsure of what to do, I followed Jirou as she talked to Yaoyorozu. Her cheeks were bright red, but she just blamed it on the heat when Yaoyorozu asked. I smiled, before looking over to see Uraraka and Izuku talking. I walked up to them, tapping Izuku on the shoulder.

"You forgot to give a welcoming embrace to the best cousin in the world." I grinned.

"Y/n, hey!" He wrapped me up in a big hug, tufts of green hair tickling my chin. "How long has it been? I've missed you so much!"

"Yeah, I know, life is just unbearable without me," I smirked, laughing and flipping my hair. "Why didn't you tell me you got into UA? This is awesome, dude! And without a qui-?" He cut me off, covering my mouth with his hand. I licked it to get it off of me.

"What the-? Ew! Y/n, come on, let's go talk." He took me to a wall where no one could hear us. " My classmates, aside from Kaachan, they don't...know I used to be quirkless."

"What do you mean used to be?" I raised my eyebrow, folding my arms over my chest. "You can't develop a quirk past age ten. The last time we saw each other, we were twelve. No quirk. What's the big deal?"

"Well...I'm..." Izuku tensed up. "I'm a special case, that's what the doctor said." He held his head high, as though his pride would slip if he put his head down.

"The same pediatrician that told you you couldn't gain a quirk in the first place?" I frowned. He looked away. "That's what I thought. I'm not an idiot, Izuku. It's okay if you're still quirkless. All the power to you."

"I'm not!" Izuku exclaimed. "I can prove it later but...the point is, don't bring it up in front of everyone else."

"Fine, I guess." I shrugged. "I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to, but just know I don't care. Quirk or no quirk, you're still my cousin and one of my best friends. Okay?"

"Y-Yeah..." He tilted his head down as we walked out.

I followed him, Iida, and Uraraka around, unsure of what to do. I fiddled with my thumbs and listened in on their conversation. Half interested, half bored.

"What about you, L/n?" Uraraka asked. Honestly, I hadn't been paying attention, so I couldn't add to the conversation in any way.

"What? Sorry! I was totally spacing out!" I apologized, scratching the back of my neck.

"No worries! My question was which pro hero you'd pick to be your parent." She grinned.

"Oh! Um...well I really like Kamui woods. Our quirks are similar and I really think he's cool. If I did become a pro hero, I'd want my fighting style to be like his!" I grinned, feeling excited. A few marigolds popped from my fingers, their bright shades of orange drawing attention. "Ah, sorry. I got too excited." I laughed nervously, shutting my eyes and pulling them out.

"Doesn't that hurt?" Uraraka frowned, her hand hovering over my arm.

"Huh? Oh, no. Well sometimes, if I'm really stressed, but I'm relaxed right now. There's no need to be worried." I chuckled. "I um...I appreciate it though." I felt blood rush up to my face.

"Right." She smiled as we just gazed back at each other quietly.

"Sorry to interrupt...whatever this is, but um we've gotta go to class." Izuku piped up, making me jump a bit. I just nodded and followed the rest of the group. As we walked, we continued talking. "So, Y/n, how're things over at Kanosei?"

"Oh, you know, same old same old. The courses are fun, but I dunno. In all honesty? I'm getting kind of bored." I sighed. "I think I'll transfer to UA instead." I joked.

"Honestly, I don't see why you didn't go here in the first place. With some training, your quirk could be super powerful." Izuku nodded.

bloom | o. urarakaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora