Chapter 2: The Roots of Trauma

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As Maryam grew older and began to understand that her parents' behavior was not normal, she started to dig deeper into the root causes of their behavior. She wanted to understand why they had treated her the way they did and whether their behavior was a result of something deeper.

In her search for answers, Maryam started to uncover memories of her childhood that she had long repressed. Memories of her father's angry outbursts, of being yelled at and hit for the smallest mistakes, of cowering in fear as her parents fought. She remembered the constant belittling and criticism from her mother, and how she was always made to feel like she wasn't good enough.

These memories were painful, and it was difficult for Maryam to confront them. But as she continued to explore the depths of her trauma, she began to see how her parents' own pasts had contributed to their behavior.

She learned that her father had grown up in a violent household, where physical abuse was the norm. Her mother, on the other hand, had been the victim of emotional abuse at the hands of her own mother. Both of them had never received the support and love they needed as children, which had left them deeply scarred.

Maryam realized that her parents were not just abusive because of their own flaws, but because of the traumas they had experienced in their own lives. This realization helped her to develop empathy for her parents, but it also made her more determined to break the cycle of abuse in her own life.

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