I aren't, I'm just empty.

I go home and it was a silent ride, I hated it. I just leaned my arm on the window and stared out the window emptily the whole time whilst he was just driving.

I just hoped he was alright.


I go home and collapse straight onto the bed, I take a nap and don't wake up till late, I woke up to João next to me but he was facing away.

I sighed and went downstairs and checked the time, it was 1am.

I sit on my phone for a little bit and then go back upstairs to go back to sleep.

I cried myself to sleep that night


I wake up and João didn't even said goodmorning to me, he just got up and left to go to training.

he infact didn't say anything to me.

when he got home it was silent, I gave him dinner and he ate it and just went upstairs.

I hadn't eaten as I was worried for him.


we had an argument and he got angry at me, he shouted at me.

I ran into the bathroom and locked the door behind me and sit down behind it sobbing.

I cried so hard I physically couldn't breathe

I heard João knocking on the door aggressively shouting "open the fucking door Kora." sternly

I'd never seen him like this

my vision went blurry and then just completely black
I woke up and I was at sophs house, but how?

she comes up to check on me and smiles as she sees I was awake and gives me a big warm hug

"w-what happened?" I ask soph

"you passed out in the bathroom, I don't know how but kai got called over by João as he was angry and wanted to get away. I came with him and you were there lying in the bathroom."


"if you can, would you wanna explain what happened to me my love?"

"he just lashed out on me and we started arguing, ever since he saw his toxic ex at the game earlier he's been acting different. he loves her more and I know it, he's trying to push me away because she's just prettier and just more kinder and he's always loved her and he always will love her and put her on top of everyone.

I locked myself in the bathroom and leaned against the door whilst practically balling my eyes out, I didn't want to speak to him. the next thing I knew, my vision went blurry and then just black and I don't know what happened after that."

I say practically sobbing again.

she comforted me and went silent

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