. Chapter Twelve : No More Fooling Around .

Start from the beginning


"Eldoris is hurt?!" Holly yelped with worry.

"Yeah, we gotta hurry." Bolt said quickly, he started picking up the pace and began speedwalking. Aspen and Holly followed after him.

It actually took a lot faster than Bolt anticipated to get to the others on time. Bolt returned to Eldoris, Laizard, Volare, and Beta with Aspen and Holly following behind him. He heard Aspen gasp the second she saw how hurt Eldoris and Laizard were.

"Oh, my goodness! What on Earth happened to them?"

Holly pouted as he sat down next to Beta.


"We got attacked by a not-so-nice Rare Kraigon that was trying to destroy Eldoris, and then Laizard tried to help, getting herself hurt in the process!" Volare interrupted Bolt, holding Laizard tighter in his arms as he told the story.

Thanks, Volare, for interrupting me, you absolute drama king.

Aspen decided to aid Eldoris first, since, well, he was awake and in constant pain unlike Laizard, who was still peacefully asleep in the embrace of Volare.

"Oh dear, that's... not good." Aspen sighed, reaching into the small kit of herbs she would always carry with her, then she grabbed out a batch of flowers with the color of rose quartz and roots that seemed like they were made from the Dawn of Fire or something. "This ought to close the cut for a while! At least until we get you a new torso, Eldoris."

"What's so special about those puny flowers?" Bolt asked.

"Well, the roots are very strong, which could be good for closing cuts on stuff other than skin and flesh, 'cause I'm sure if we used these flowers on someone like Laizard, the roots might get into her flesh, and it'll not be good for her." Explained Aspen.

"What happens when the cut fully closes? What happens to the flowers?" Eldoris questioned in a panicky tone.

"The flowers aren't capable of fully closing a cut. When we think it's repaired enough, we pull out the roots and then keep the wound bandaged until it actually closes and heals."

"Wouldn't ripping out the roots hurt?"

"Not if you do it gently."

Aspen started to apply the flowers onto the deep cut on Eldoris' torso, where the roots immediately started to close the open gap tightly.

Eldoris let out a huge sigh of relief, his shoulders lowered down and he started to lean back against the tree.

"...Oh, thank goodness! So much air was getting into my gears, I thought I was gonna get an oil clot." The Epic Water Wubbox chuckled. "Still hurts, but at least I can properly walk without limping."

"Volare, could I see Laizard really quick?" Aspen inquired politely.

Volare seemed hesitant with letting Laizard go from his hold, but eventually he gave the sleeping Kraigon to Aspen, who started to observe her wounds. She then grabbed some yarrow from her herb kit, applying them to the wounds on Laizard's cheek, shoulders, and her forehead.

Due to the stinging sensation of the herbs being placed onto their wounds, Laizard snapped wide awake with a shriek.

"Shh! Shh! Woah! Calm down! You're gonna be fine! I'm just healing you." Aspen tried to relax the Kraigon as it started to struggle in Aspen's gentle grasp.

"Who is that monster?" Holly whispered to Bolt.

"Their name is Laizard, a Kraigon from Wyvern Island." Replied Bolt.

"Oh, I see." Holly muttered. "Wait— I-I thought I heard that the last Kraigon died already?"

"Nope. I guess there's still two left." Bolt sighs.

Aspen then applied the last bit of some goldenrod onto Laizard's wounds before putting her down. The Kraigon immediately limped away toward Volare, who picks her back up.

"...S0, what are we g0n^a do ab0vt that Kra1gon that atta<ked Eld0ris?" Beta asked.

"Uhm, nothing? That thing seemed to have pissed off relatively fast as soon as we stepped in." Bolt chuckled.

"...I'm not so sure." Volare butted in.

Bolt and Beta both tilt their heads.

"I, uhm, uh... I feel like it's still gonna come back for another attempt to killing someone in order to get to Laizard, so we should be on, uh, high alert." The Epic Air Wubbox concluded.

"I doubt that." Bolt said bluntly.

"I'm serious!"

"...Are you guys talking about Remnac?" Laizard asked in a drowsy voice.

"Yes." Volare replied.

"Oh, he's definitely coming back for revenge. Trust me on that." Laizard's tone suddenly turned blunt in the snap of a finger. "It's like, his favorite thing nowadays."

"So, what are we supposed to do about that?" Bolt argued.

"I have a suggestion: I- or I mean, we execute a surprise attack on Remnac." Laizard spoke up.

"Why would we do that?" Eldoris asked.

"At this point, the prick deserves it!" Laizard spat. "I want him gone for good!"

"Well, that's a bit..." Holly began before stopping himself. "...erm, okay then."

"Besides, if we don't get rid of Remnac, not only will he come after me, but soon enough he might come after you guys as well." Laizard commented, pointing at the Wubboxes. "Hell! He might as well go after everyone! Cause, obviously, Remnac doesn't care about anyone but himself and he seems like the kind of monster that would want to take over all of the islands."

"...True, I guess." Bolt shrugged.

"Erm, how dangerous is this Remnac guy?" Aspen asked.

"Uhm, dangerous enough to nearly wreck our most durable Wubbox." Volare pointed at Eldoris as he said this.

"So, like, dangerous enough to where we need Dominion to get rid of this guy?"

"Oh please! Why can't we just dogpile him?" Bolt protested.

"Agility." Laizard replied simply. "He has mad agility."

Oh, bloody hell.

Bolt let out an irritated scoff.

"I do not want to go to Earth Island right now." Bolt scoffed. "I kind of pissed Dominion off with something I said about him being an egotistical slacker."

"Y0u called h1m a what..." Beta exhaled in disbelief. "N0 wonder he'$ mad a+ y0u then."

"I don't want to go either! At least not right now; it's dark out and I'm super tired!" Volare complained. The volume of his voice started to pierce into Bolt's hearing senses.

"Okay! Okay! At least keep your darn voice down." Bolt growled.

"...Sorry." Volare muttered sheepishly.

"Speaking of it being dark out, and Volare's clear-as-day complaint of how tired he is, we might as well hit the hay. We can go to Earth Island in the morning." Bolt sighed.

"Afternoon!" Volare spat.

"Fine! We'll go in the afternoon." Bolt groaned.

Once the group has come to an agreement, they all depart to go do their own thing for the time being either to sleep or something else.

Bolt wandered over to Beta, who had just started to take a nap while leaning against a tree. He sat down beside his brother and closed his eyes, slowly falling asleep as well.

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