"I find you two to be the most atrocious players in dodgedarts," Wednesday crept up to her parents.

"Even if we are, today is a great day for your mother and I," Gomez lifted the corner of his lips.

"What's making you disgustingly enraptured?" Wednesday crossed her arms.

"You're about to find out soon. First, we must get everything ready for our new friends!"


"Yes! We have a family visiting. There's a lot to discuss with them. They even have a daughter who's around your age," Gomez hinted but his daughter didn't care.

"If this family doesn't have anything to do with me, I will linger in my room instead of associating with people I've never met," Wednesday gave a heads up.

"It certainly does have something to do with you darling," Morticia blurted out smoothly.

"Why is that mother?" The small girl lifted a brow.

"You can figure it out honey. Now, I must make dinner for our visitors," that was a cue for Morticia to leave.

"And I should make sure the mansion is tidy. Come on Lurch! We need to find Thing and get him to help us," Gomez invited the butler to aid him in the house, leaving Wednesday outside.

Pugsley was nowhere to be found as he ran inside after finding his mother entering the house. Wednesday decided to spend the remaining time she has to build multiple holes. In case the guests get underneath the girl's skin, she'll put sleeping pills in their drinks and bury them alive as they are sound asleep. It's a wonderful plan considering the Addams family have a cemetery filled with the dead five feet in the ground.

As the gothic family are arranging a small dinner for their future business partners, the Sinclair family are driving on the road to the Addams' residence. Murray, Esther, and Enid were the only ones traveling in their rented, expensive, red car. Enid's brothers had their own families to take care of so they were out of sight from their parent's care.

As the youngest, Enid had a lot of pressure to take over her parent's company. There was more coercion when it comes to finding a partner for the young werewolf to help keep the corporation going. Fortunately, her parents found a way to do something about it for their only daughter.

"I don't understand why I have to go with you guys. You know I'm old enough to take care of myself at home, right?" Enid unplugged her headphones while she spoke to her parents.

"We know that Enid. It's about our organization, and you're going to be a part of the conversation that we'll have with the Addams family," Esther bitterly explained.

"Is this about me becoming the next CEO of Outcast Home Builders?" The blonde questioned her mother.

"Yes. There's more to the answer, but now is not the time. I have a big surprise for you, my little pup. You'll love it," Enid's mom glanced at the backseat to give her daughter a smile.

"You really mean it?"

"Of course! Isn't that right Murray?" Esther turns her head to her husband to get him to agree.

"O-oh! Yes! Enid will absolutely love it," Murray fakely smiled to his wife then to Enid swiftly before focusing back on the street.

"There's nothing to worry about Enid. You will become the greatest CEO of all time. Even better for what we have planned out. Just you wait and see," the elder woman commented.

"If you say so," Enid mumbled to herself.

The vivid lycan plugged her headphones back in her ears to listen to music. She stared out of the window with her head leaning onto it. Rows of pine trees between two narrow roads was all Enid saw. The werewolf family was in the northern part of New Jersey where the Addams family are currently living there.

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