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Episode = 1

Beomgyu Has a mom but no dad after the death of Beomgyu's Father Beomgyu's mother open a shop so that Beomgyu can be brought up.

Beomgyu Has a mom but no dad after the death of Beomgyu's Father Beomgyu's mother open a shop so that Beomgyu can be brought up

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Beomgyu's Mother Son yejin
SonYejin 48 years old

Son yejin = Beomgyu you come
Beomgyu = Yes mom

Son yejin = Beomgyu you come Beomgyu = Yes mom

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Son yejin = Beomgyu come here and help me.
Beomgyu = ok mom
Son Yejin = What happened
Beomgyu = Mom i got scholarship
Son yejin = This is very good but why are you sad
Beomgyu = mom i got scholarship in a very big college in Seoul.
Son yejin = This is a good thing.
Beomgyu = But mom i don't want to go away from you.

Beomgyu pov

I got scholarship but i am not happy cause i have to go away from my mother and i don't want to go away from my mother if i leave, my mother is left alone

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I got scholarship but i am not happy cause i have to go away from my mother and i don't want to go away from my mother if i leave, my mother is left alone.

Son yejin = You say that i will get a job after studying and you will not have any problem.
Beomgyu when you study well then only you got a job then only you will be able to take care of me. After your father's death it was very difficult to manage everything and now it is your turn to manage everything. Now it's your choic, study in a good collage and do a job.

Son yejin pov

Son yejin pov

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