8 (Intimate)

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In the Evening;

The whole day i was thinking about what Anah told me. Did she really think i would do that? Aish. She sent me those pictures so of course that's her hunch, i didn't defend myself too.

But i am sure that it wasn't me because i already deleted those and no one has ever touched my phone.

Now i am thinking..

Been holding my phone and scrolling waiting for that Bully Lawyer to go on Live. It's already 9:00 in the evening but still she didn't come yet, not a single post too.

Where is she?
Could it be that she's working all night again because of what happened?

So i guess it's true.

But if it wasn't me who leaked the designs then who could have done that??

This is bothering me and i don't know why, like why would i? I don't even care about Desire Clothing and of course to that Bully Lawyer.

But i'm having this guilt feeling inside me that makes me restless.

"Sleep Kit, close your eyes!" i am convincing myself so i could rest.

This matter is not under my hands so might as well ignore it.

My conscience is clear.

Tomorrow i will talk to Anah and ask for updates.

On the Next Day;

"Have a seat Anah, let's talk." i said.

I invited her for a lunch so we can talk outside.

"Hmmm why Kit? What now?!" she asked. She looks at me as if i did something wrong.

"Tssss stop, don't look at me like that i hate it!" i said irritably.

"Everyone there on Desire Clothing were affected because of what you did. The event got cancelled, happy now?" she said sarcastically.

I glared at her.

"Enough Anah! I haven't done anything. It's not me! I deleted the photos you sent to me. I've called you because i need an updates." i directly said. Seemed she's not convinced but i don't care.

"Whether you believed me or not, i don't mind tho! I said what i said, i'm innocent." i added just to prove her wrong.

"If not you, then who??" she asked.

"Why ask me, i'm not there. But there's one thing on my mind. There's a mole in your company." i stated.

"Woah, you think?? Then Mam Lian must find it out as soon as possible! She's taking over the investigation to help Mr. Lee." anah told me.

I nodded.

"Alright then, let's see how good she is as a Lawyer. Uhm but Anah i want you to quit your job there, save your damn self before they find out our secret." i instructed her, well an advice from an older sister.

"No Kit, not this time! I cannot leave them like that. Even for a short period of time they've became dear to me, i want to keep working with Mam Lian. She's actually great!" she objected that got me surprised.

I touched her forehead.

"Are you sick? Where on Earth you got that fighting spirit to tell me those words? Knowing you, you hate working." i asked in confusion.

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