He sat next to Romeo.

Romeo looked up at him and sat up, their faces inches away. They stared at each other for a while until Romeo and Maziah leaned in and shared a slow soft kiss.

Maziah cuffed his face and they both fell deeper into it.

Romeo softly grabbed the outside of Maziah's hand holding it in his. Romeo then quickly backed away. Realizing what just happened.

"Bro. You know why we can't do that." Romeo got up and walked into Maziah's kitchen grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. Maziah following behind.

"So you gonna tell me you ain't feel nothing in that kiss?" Maziah asked.

"It was heat of the moment." He did want to keep kissing him but he didn't want Maziah to keep catching harder, he even felt himself start to feel more and it scared him.

He didn't wanna drag Maziah into his mess.

"Bro. Why did you even come last night if you was gonna be like this in the morning. Acting all cute and shit and now you deadass acting mad rude." Maziah said angrily.

Romeo sighed looking into his eyes. "I don't know what to tell you, I saw something last night and it fucked me up." Romeo said as his eyes glistened with tears. "Romeo.." Maziah said softly walking closer.

Before Maziah could hold him and ask what he saw Romeo's phone rang.

Romeo dig into his pajama pocket and looked at the number, he sighed deeply. He pointed a finger at Maziah letting him know he would be right back. He ran upstairs to the bathroom leaving Maziah confused and dissatisfied once again with the outcome.

Romeo quickly shut the door behind him, locking it and picking up the call. "Why are you calling so early?" Romeo whispered into the phone.

"What the fuck I tell you 'bout questioning me. Get dressed. Gonna pick you up for a job then I gotta take you somewhere." Chivo said sounding annoyed.

"Where.. I got school." Romeo said biting his lip nervously.

"Don't worry about school, fuck school. You coming wit' me. So get dressed." Before Chivo could hand up Romeo stopped him.

"I'm not home." He said hesitating.
"Where you at?" Chivo asked wondering.
"At a friends house." Romeo said embarrassingly.
"Address?" Chivo asked immediately.

"Don't worry about it, I'll walk to my crib." Romeo said not wanting Chivo to know about Maziah at all.

"Address." Chivo said sternly.

Romeo sighed and gave him the address. "See you soon." Was all Chivo said before the line went dead.

Romeo really really didn't want Chivo to know about Maziah. Safety reasons knowing how.. possessive he can be over Romeo.

There was a knock on the bathroom door.
Romeo started let out a "What-" sounding startled.

"You good?" Maziah asked softly behind the door.

"Yea.. I gotta go. Doctors appointment, can't miss it so I gotta miss school." Romeo said opening the door and seeing Maziah standing there in his boxers is something he didn't really notice before. He got flustered.

He walked passed him quickly and went to collect his things. "Can we talk for a minute? Like where are you going." Maziah followed behind as he saw Romeo grabbing his phone and his wet clothes. He looked down and looked at Maziah.

"Can I use these clothes for a little?" Romeo asked with a pleasing look. "Just keep them bro. I don't care." Maziah walked in the room and sat on the edge of the bed staring at Romeo as he got ready.

Romeo slipped his feet into his wet shoes cringing at the cold wet feeling. He looked at Maziah for a moment contemplating on what to say before he got a text.

I'm here.
Come out.

Romeo sighed looking at the message.
He looked up and locked eyes with Maziah again before closing the bedroom door and walking out the  home.

Maziah sighed deeply placing his face into his hands.


Romeo was finished with his job, the man paid Chivo and walked out of the motel. Romeo slid his clothing back on with regret again.

Chivo is letting these guys fuck him without condoms. The pay is good but is it really worth the risk of catching something, but knowing his home life he needed it.

They left the motel and the car began.
"What's this job you want me to do." Romeo asked in the backseat of the car, Chivo sat in the passenger seat as his driver drove in silence.

Most of the men who worked for Chivo were young, either lightskin and skinny or dark and buff. Romeo had never really talked to them but they definitely knew of him.

"It's not really a job it's a lesson for a job later on. You gonna move on up." Romeo was scared to ask his next question.

"Move on up to what?" Chivo didn't answer that question.

Romeo ended up falling asleep in the back of Chivo's Black SUV. The drive was a hole two hours before they made it to their destination.

"Yo, get up. We're here." The driver said as he tapped on Romeo's thigh.

Romeo looked at his in a sleepy gaze. He saw Chivo already was out of the car so therefore he followed behind and hopped out.

All three walked walked into an open field. Nothing but openness and wonder. They walked towards a table that had two briefcases.

In the distance standing we're two busted up mannequins that seemed to be hammered into the ground and tied down with rope.

Chivo and his driver which seems to be more of his assistant took a glance at each other before Chivo nodded.

"Jaquan give him the pistol to start with." Chivo said to his assistant 'Jaquan'.

Romeo looked at Chivo as if he was crazy, Chivo winked at him before he himself opened the other briefcase.

Jaquan pulled out a dark black pistol and Chivo handed him a small baggy of 6 bullets.

"Chivo-" Romeo was shushed before Jaquan walked up and placed the pistol into his hand. Romeo looked up into his eyes with disgust.

He was a cute lightskin but the smirk he had made him ugly. "Lightskins supposed to stick together bro." Romeo said loudly to Jaquan as he walked back to the car.

Romeo turned to Chivo, and gave him a pleasing look. "Stop stressing, this is practice for when you gotta kill a nigga. You gonna start to sell drugs now, I need help with my shit and also this pro-statute shit ain't really bringing income. So I'll need you to start to do jobs. So how you hold it is-"

Romeo felt like he was gonna shit his pants.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2023 ⏰

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