Chapter 5: dropped players, boobies,and discovered secrets

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Hey guys im back! And I found my book of dares *Glares a gajeel* Gajeel - that's great." He mumbled. Im happy and sad to say that a few of our contestants dropped out due to unseen circumstances. (Tied up in the back cause I didn't want them anymore) THE players names are Sherry and Chelia Blendy, Jenny Realight, hibiki Lates, Ren Akatsuki, Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki and Nihiya Nvadalay Nkoobuki! " (Erza-"Thank Kami!) I'm soo happy to tell you that today's guest is *phone rings.* oh hold on.* answers the phone* oh hey shanti..... wait what? shanti so help me if you're joking I'm going to kill you......*Squeak really loudly* (everyone plugs their ears) Gajeel - "What the hell woman! Why are you squealing!" Okay.... Okay I'll buy the tickets! I can't wait!....Okay bye. (Hangs up.) "Guys I have the best news ever!"* Jumps up and down excitedly* Lucy- "what's so exciting Author-san?" "Okay let me calm down (ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!)UTA NO PRINCE SAMA IS GOING ON TOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!"The girls- "NO WAY!!!!!" (SQUEALS) And the boys plug their ears.Natsu- "wait who the hell is this Utah whatever? " Yukino - "it's uta no prince-sama! Don't disrespect them!" She said poking her finger at natsu.

Natsu- "Yes mam!" Lucy-"and Uta no prince sama is one of the best boy bands ever to exist!*sighs* otoya , tokiya, and syo are the hottest"Levy-"Eh that's not true lu-chan, natsuki is the hottest! " Ever-" clearly you're both wrong the hottest one in the group is none other than the real prince Cecil Aijima! ~<3" "I agree with ever! But I love everyone except masato and syo." I huffed nodding in approval.

Zeref- "Why do you like them they're nothing but pretty faces w good voices." He tsked. "I hope you burn your bacon and step on a floor of legos!" Zeref-"Don't you dare put that curse on me!!!" Mavis -" you eat bacon?"

Erza-"NO! Clearly you are blind Mastato is the hottest!" Wendy & Mavis-"No! Syo Kurusu is better than all of them!" Lisanna-"Of course you like him he's short like you two!" (SHOTS FIRED!)Mavis & Wendy-*sulking in a corner* Yukino-"Now now lets calm down let's just deal with the fact that THEY'RE COMING HERE!" ( SQUEELS!)

(Lets see what the boys are thinking!)Boys- 'they must die!'"

Frosch-" Jill-sama who's who's the special guest? " He asked with his cute innocent face. "Oh yeah I almost forgot! Today's special guest is a character from one of my earlier books I wanted to posted but didn't , The little snotty thorn in my butt-" ???-"OH JUST INTRODUCE ME!" "ladies and gents may introduce u to

Christy Landry." (BOO!) Christy-*shoots glare* "Fine." (Cheers) Christy-"Better. Maybe after this you're little show will get some real ratings" She said as she flips her orange hair in my face. "I'm sorry may I remind you that this my show. And in my show I get to control whatever I want." I smirked, but she just laughed. "What's so funny?" Christy- "You! Haha! You actually think you run this show! Like you can order me around! Everyone knows I would run this poor excuse for a better than you!" "Than do it." Christy-"eh?" "Do it, run the show I'm going to be behind that black door with a bloody red rose. You know that sign pretty well don't you." I whispered the last part into her ear. She recoiled back slightly in surprise. Her body started to shake ever so gently, her head was down to face the floor as she utter two words. Christy-"Fuck you..." "When princess, like the prophecy says we have a lot to do with each other." I said as I swept her off her feet and into my arms trying to hold my laughter and gave her one of my charming smiles. (Which into learned from loke when I really needed a date and keep my what's left of my pathetic social life) 'I swear it's so fun teasing her like this'

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