"What happened to them?"

They opened the door, finding what looked like a school. She hadn't seen one in what felt like forever, it looked like a whole settlement lived here. On a whiteboard it said the house rules as Joel read them before replying to Ellie,

"Maybe they didn't follow the rules and they all got infected."

Ellie nodded as she walked away laughing and gasping when she found a Savage Starlight comic, on the floor, Sam joined her excited as well, Lily had her own collection at home that Violet had brought home after most missions. She looked everywhere for them. They were having fun and content so Violet turned to Joel,

"We need medical supplies, cowboy.
Any chance you know where to find any, Henry?"

Joel looked at her shocked at the use of a nickname rolling his eyes as he turned towards Ellie, Lily and Sam who were being too loud (really he's just old), Joel spoke harshly,

"Hey, keep it down. We're not out yet."

Ellie groaned not wanting to leave yet, this is the most stimulated she had been in weeks, there was so much to do, even a soccer ball. Ellie spoke voicing her concerns,

"Ah, c'mon. Can we just rest here for a while? There's, like, actually sh¡t to do here."

Henry smiled at Ellie nodding before bringing up an excuse and talking to Joel head on,

"Wouldn't be so bad to wait the light out a bit. Safer in shadows when we pop back out on the other side."

Joel nodded as he sat down, all of them relaxing for just a moment.
Joel and Henry had a conversation about why Henry was a rat, and he told him that he lied about not killing anyone, Henry had killed Kathleen's brother for medicine for Sam.

Violet totally got it, it was cruel that they would blame him for just trying to save his little brother. Violet walked over to Lily pulling her aside as Ellie and Sam played soccer on the fake goal on the wall.

"Doesn't feel like we've been able to talk much lately, I just wanted to ask how you are doing? First trip outside, pretty scary, I guess for me more than you though."

Violet laughed lightly as Lily smiled at her sister, Lily knew that Violet had sacrificed a lot to keep her safe, her sister had saved her many times, but Lily liked to think that she also saved her sister, Lily helped her feel safe. Lily spoke softly,

"I'm okay really!
It's been scary, but nothing I can't handle, I know you'll keep me safe.
I love you Vi— truly."

Violet's eyes welled up as she embraced her sister, kissing her on the forehead as Joel snapped after Ellie roared loudly, although it was more that he was uncomfortable that someone brought up that he was a father.

"We've waited long enough."


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