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"Izaya the mails here!" I call getting a small package and the bills off the floor.

Inspecting the package it had a return address so I don't think it was a bomb. My dad came down stairs and looked at the package. I give him the mail and pull out my phone to the dollars chatroom. It seemed that the dollars had a sale a few blocks from here. Time for some shop lifting.

"Dad I am going out to the dollars military sale!" I shout.

"Fine, Aya don't take to long."

With that I ran out of the apartment and got in the elevator. What should I buy today? Combat boots? Or maybe a nice backpack. The elevator opened and a race out it was only a few blocks so I could take my time going there and then just teleport back to the house. The streets were busy. People on bikes. Women going to into the mall. Looking down at my phone I follow the directions to the sale.
My other phone buzzed in my jacket. Taking it out it was a message from the dollars.

'I see Izaya Orihara's daughter let's kidnap her.'

I scowl,"What fools humans can be."

I quickly typed,"Thanks for the warning you pitiful humans." I began to laugh.

A white van pulled up next to me. That is when I took off. I jumped on top of cars to avoid the people trying to kidnap me. That sale had to be a trap to lure me out.

The sound of a gun get it shot made me run faster. Everyone on the street start running and panicking! Run away run away! I ran with the crowd to escape.

"Shoot her!" A teenager screamed at 2 others.

Before I can make a fireball all three of the boys had knifes in there arms.

"Fuck!" The older looking boy yelped.
"Run!" Said the other.
They didn't get to far dads friends killed them.

"Let's go home Aya."Izaya put his hand on my shoulder.

That sure was a fail for them. Now my dad was going to be paranoid that I was going to be kidnapped.

Life with My dad (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now