Stargazing <3

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[• Music To Set The Vibe: Rises The Moon •]
[• Setting:
Summer night • ]

H/N = His name

M/N = My name

POV = point of view

* I woke up in the middle of the night and looked at the alarm clock the left of me, it was 12:30 am •

M/N POV: Damn he's still asleep.. well I've been tossing and turning for a while I might as well get up and do something.

| I got out of bed quietly to make sure I wouldn't wake H/N, and I looked out the window at the stars. |

M/N: wow they look amazing tonight.. I'll go on a walk to find a place to stargaze for a bit I guess.

| I slowly left the room closing the door quietly behind me before going downstairs to put on a coat, then without hesitation I walked outside. |

| a few minutes after I walked to a nearby path taking me to a field. |

M/N: wow.. the grass looks so soft, it looks like a perfect place to stargaze.

| I put my coat down so I could sit down on it, I sat down looking up at the stars admiring the moonlight filled sky and the sparkling stars within it. |

| Not long after I heard footsteps on the path behind. |

M/N POV: Who's there?!

H/N: it's me you idiot

M/N: How'd you find me I thought you were asleep.

H/N: I heard you get up and a few minutes later I woke up and you were gone so I went downstairs and I saw you walking on the path through the window.

M/N: so obsessed with me that you followed me here, adorable.

H/N: what are you even doing here at 12:45 am baby it's cold and you should be in bed.

|He sat down beside me giving me a confused look.|

M/N: I wanted to watch the stars they're so pretty.

|I said while looking up st the stary sky with curious eyes.|

M/N: I wonder what's out there..

H/N: Nothing you have to worry about sweetheart.

|he said while gesturing me to lay down on him.|

M/N: you know, you have the prettiest eyes my love, the stars could never compare.

H/N: And you have the most kissable lips.

| he said with a childish giggle while kissing me |

H/N we should really go back to the house though we have to wake up early tomorrow darling.

M/N: fine but I want cuddles when we get back!

|i sat up and he grabbed my hand helping me get up as we walked back to the house.|

|we got back to the house, put our coats away and headed back to bed, then cuddled till we fell asleep.|

~ The end ~

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