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as i felt the bright lights that threatened to blind me flashing in my eyes i couldn't help but smile. i mean i have to i'm on the red carpet for gods sake, but i'm on the red carpet. you would smile too. i gave the paparazzi a little twirl in my black dress and my smile grew more. i finally made it. with all the hard work i've put into acting i deserve to be here for the premiere of my own movie.

as i walked down the red carpet smiling and waving at actors and actresses i was so grateful to know, one i was very familiar with beaconed me over. "hi ryan!" i said with a smile as i went and hugged him "hey kid, how are ya?" ryan said "In all honesty I am FREAKING THE FUCK OUT OH MY GOD I CANT BELIEVE IM HERE RYAN I MADE OH MY MOTHER FUCKING EVERLOVING GOD!" I blurted out. "well someone sounds exited. Anyways I have someone I want you to meet!" Ryan said as I heard a little giggle erupt from behind him.

A curly headed blonde emerged from behind Ryan and shyly waved at me "h-hi I'm walker" the boy said nervously "oh my god you're the kid from the Adam project, hi! I'm y/n! Ugh, you were so good , and that might have been one of the best debuts I have ever seen!" I said fangirling for the tiny actor.

He blushed intensely and his smile beamed "thank you! I loved you in Deadpool 1&2 I know all the words to both and your lines are probably my favorites!" The boy ranted "sorry that sounded a little weird" walker muttered and rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"No no no, you're fine I know exactly what it's like! It's crazy being surrounded by all these big actors and actresses" I said trying to calm the boy. "Thanks" he giggled as his blush grew.

" Hey do you wanna swap numbers? We can talk more after the premiere!" I said enthusiasticly "u-uh yeah of course!" He said smiling like an idiot

Ok wtf this kid is adorable omfg

During the premiere our seats weren't to far apart so every now and then I would wave and walker would smile back

I might like this little cutie patootie

𝐞𝐰, 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞- 𝐰.𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥Where stories live. Discover now