Mr. Protagonist

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***Dobyson House***

"how is the food son?eat more, I cooked lots of delicious food for you"

Mrs Natachai is happy because Jace will stay with them for a while since his husband is out of the country for a business transaction

"ohhh ma!,did you forgot I'm your real son here? you dont even bother to put foods on my plate"

Doby is sulking and started to act jealous over his mom cute behaviour towards Jace

"ohhh son, Jace is our visitor so I need to take good care of him and you., I spoil you a lot everyday"

Jace smiled while watching Doby and his mom with their cute arguments

"oh! when Pierre is here, you spoil him a lot and now Jace? I dont know if you  still love me?"

Doby pout and act like a cute baby, He often complains about his moms attention and Jace can't deny that he find him cute all the time.

"Mom? how oftentimes Pierre is sleeping here?"

Jace has strong desire to know the relationship of Pierre to Natachai family.

"Hmmnn, almost every weekend, my son is a homebody so they stay here most of the time, poor Pierre, he can't even enjoy himself to go clubbing and out of town trips coz his bestfriend is  lazy enough to join him"

She enjoyed shading his own son

"Mom! I go out also and do clubbing as well"

Dobyson can't keep his frustration

" ha!ha!ha! yeah you go clubbing but my god! son, 9pm and you complain and ask Pierre to send you home already"

Doby is so done with his mother

"oh! because I got bored and he never complain to me anyway, he even told me that he is sleepy also mom"

Mrs. Natachai knows his son and Pierre friendship and she is happy that Doby got his real friend with Pierre

"Okay2, let us stop on this, Jace?"

"Yes mom?"

"hope you can handle and never give up on him?"

Jace know what Doby's mom meant,
he just nodd and smiled


Doby cannot understand why his mom loved to teased him especially when he is with Pierre and now with Jace

***Dobyson Room***

"You wash up first, I will bring extra pillows and blanket for you"

Doby is fixing his bed


Jace responded.

Few hours after, they're done watching football and about to go to bed


Jace gentle stares made Doby a little bit awkward


He avoided the eye contact, He doesn't know why he started to feel shy, maybe because this is the first time that they sleep together.

"how long you and Pierre become friends?"

Jace is not still over with Pierre matters. Doby looked at him and smiled

"we became friends since high school, we were neighborhood back then but we studied to different School, he is a silly guy and me, you know what? don't have friends and used to be alone all the time, so when he and his friends play basketball and I happened to passed by, he saw and approached me to join with them"

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