04: The Leader

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"Can I get something from my bag?" Wooyoung asked with his normal tone of voice coming back, coming off challenging when he wasn't trying to be. "I don't have any weapons."

"Sure, I believe you wouldn't try anything anyways." Hongjoong gave him the go ahead so nonchalantly, coming off as borderline cockiness, hands motioning towards the bag without any care.

Wooyoung didn't know if that was an insult or not, regardless he stood and retrieved his backpack. He was cautious of his movements, ensuring he wouldn't do anything that could cause some kind of commotion. He sat back in the same spot on the bed, putting his bag in between his feet, leaning over to open the biggest zipper and look through his belongings.

With his hands on the yellow envelope, Wooyoung hesitated. Did he really want safety from a group of vampires? But then again, this could also ensure his escape if need be. Except these vampires seemed to not exactly be the most threatened by him as of now, and vise versa.

"Let me ask you first, about this job that blondie for some reason thinks I can do for you." Wooyoung removed his hand from the opened compartment of the bag, setting it to the side.

"I'm searching for something that was stolen from me years ago. It's been a constant hunt but I haven't been able to get close to what I'm chasing." Hongjoong didn't seem to hesitate before answering Wooyoung, again just so causally. Sure there was a lot of vagueness, but it was still an actual answer that Wooyoung wasn't expecting. "I think San believes you would be able to get into places that we as vampires can't. Plus, he added how when it appears you're in your element, you can be rather alluring and compelling, which would be beneficial against some of our enemies."

Wooyoung nodded his head, realizing with this job he'd actually be put out of his comfort zone big time. Sure he was in a gang before, but that was merely because of a debt, it's hard to say he was even truly apart of it. He was never sent out on missions to do whatever, and merely remained in the bar to rack in money. He knew how to fight only to a certain degree, but merely small offensive things, he couldn't exactly defend himself. Sure his hunter instincts could come out here and there, but that wasn't enough.

The hunter swallowed hard.

"And do you think that you should entrust that with me?" Wooyoung tried to continue with his same mannerism, but faltered a little when he held eye contact.

"I'm not sure." Hongjoong shrugged his shoulders moving towards the desk to pull the chair away from it, placing it in the center of the room where he then sat, staring down Wooyoung. "The only reason you are here right now is because you are bonded to San. I wouldn't trust a hunter in my base otherwise."

Only slightly did Wooyoung back up onto the bed, his feet still planted on the ground but his upper body moved away, intimidated when he didn't want to be.

"But that's also why I'm giving you a chance, because you're bonded to him." Hongjoong looked over his shoulder, as if listening to something Wooyoung couldn't hear, before looking back at the hunter and continuing. "It's extremely rare for a hunter and vampire to be bonded, as I'm sure you might know, or maybe not. If you aren't someone who hunts vampires despite your nature, your knowledge might be more limited than I think."

Wooyoung bit his tongue, knowing the vampire was telling the truth and being genuine by the look in his eyes. He only hoped that look was actually true, and wasn't some act meant to deceive him.

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