Part one

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Elle's POV

"It's ok Elle your safe now, I've got you don't worry" these were the last words i heard before my eyes closed completely.

I was stupid to go out that late at night to swim in the sea however i needed to clear my head, the past year had been hard, especially the last two months. I'm lucky I had Arthur to help me as Charles was also in a mood as charlotte had broken up with him. Arthur had been our rock, I'm so lucky to have him.

However my thoughts were interrupted by the most annoying beeping sound and the feeling of someone's eyes watching me. I suddenly jolted up right to find that I wasn't in my room in my apartment but i was in a hospital bed.

"Oh my god Elle your finally awake, how are you feeling?" A familiar husky voice said. I turned my head only to find Max Verstappen sat on the chair next to my bed, his eyes had huge bags underneath them indicating he hadn't had much sleep.

"I'm okay i think, why are you here Max?" I asked clearly confused.

"Elle i saved you and I wasn't just going to drop you and leave you here on your own, i wanted to make sure you were okay" he smiled sweetly. I didn't know what to do, the last time i talked to Max it ended with him screaming at me and me crying my eyes out. I simply smiled back.

"So i had to tell your brothers about you being awake now and then i told Caitlin and macey they are all on there way to see you now i hope thats ok?"

"Yeah thats ok thank you max for saving me" I needed to talk to him about the last time we talked, is now the right time though? Oh well there's no time like the present i though to myself.

"Erm Max the last we talked it wasn't too good i wanted to talk about it" i confidently said. However i did not get the reply i wanted

"What you want me to say sorry for the way i talked to you after you treated me like dirt, no Elle I don't want to talk about that" his whole attitude changed.

"max no thats not what i wanted to say, i wanted to apologise" before i could say anything else the door bust open and Caitlin and macey ran in.

Max looked deflated. " i will talk to you later Elle" he then simply stood up and walked out saying hello to my two friends on the way out.

"Elle oh my we though you were dead, are you ok, how did this happen, why was Max in your room, are you two ok now" Macey bombarded me with questions.

"Macey let the poor girl register the first question you asked first" Caitlin laughed. The two girls hugged me tight.

"I'm fine honestly just a little cold" i answered one of the many questions macey had asked me.

"Sooo why was Mr Verstappen in your room" Caitlin nudged me.

"Well... he saved me" i was honest this time, they both looked shocked for a minute then they both just started to smile at each other.

"So does that mean your talking now" macey smirked at me. Caitlin also smirking which only spurred macey on to ask more questions.

"Kinda, I think, I don't know anymore" i replied honestly again. After that we all just talked some more about their relationships with Ollie and Paul. That's when my two brothers walked in panic written on their faces blut they soon relaxed when they saw me awake and laughing.

"Elle oh Dieu merci, tu vas bien, nous étions tellement inquiets, ne fais plus jamais ça"
"Elle oh thank god your ok i we were so worried, don't ever do that again"
Charles stated while hugging me the tightest he's ever hugged me.

" Je pensais que je t'avais perdu Elle, je ne pouvais pas te perdre, tu es mon jumeau, je t'aime Elle"
"though i lost you Elle, I couldn't loose you your my twin, i love you Elle"
Arthur said which made me cry into his shoulder.

Caitlin and macey left so that me and my brothers could task some more in private. We talked for hours, it was now 10pm and they both had to leave. I was now lonely again. That was until Max poked his head around the door.

"They're gone Max you can come in now" i said as i began to lie down. "I'm sorry for the way i treated you Max I didn't mean it, i was just confused about my feelings" i admitted.

"It's ok Elle i forgive you" he replied and came over and hugged me. He then proceeded to sit in the uncomfortable hospital chair and he looked like he was going to sleep here.

"Max you don't have to sleep here, you can go home"

"I know Elle but i want to make sure your ok, its only one more night you get discharged in the morning anyway" he said then closed his eyes, not long after i closed my eyes as well and fell into a deep sleep.

Mon amour- sequel to Ma chérieWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt