Chapter 11

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Cat sat with Sam, Bucky, Victor, and Logan in a conference room with takeout. Files were spread out as well as a map of Madripoor. Cat had decided that while they were there, she was going to pick her brothers brains before she went on the mission.

"So they have a Super Soldier serum, and they want to create more?" Victor asked, reaching over with his chopsticks to take some chicken off Cat's plate.

She shoved his arm playfully but nodded as she took a dumpling off Logan's plate. "Yeah. I'm almost as strong as Bucky and Steve, but these new soldiers are stronger. They had to have added something to the serum."

Logan rolled his eyes, pushing his plate towards Cat and stealing some pork off Victor's plate. "How did they smell?"

Sam raised a brow. "Smell?"

Bucky nodded, leaning back. "Cat, Logan, and Victor are part of a class of Mutants called Feral. It's an animalistic type of mutation. They have enhanced senses and, depending on the animal strain, extra perks. Cat gets night vision due to her mutation being feline."

Cat smiled. "You remembered the talk." She looked at Logan, offering him some of her chicken. "They smelt like wolves a little bit, but that makes no sense. The serum smells like heavy rain, at least Bucky and Steve do. Though Bucky's has a trace of ice with him."

Victor looked at the files. He tilted his head, a name catching his attention. "You've got to be shitting me."

"What?" Cat asked as he grabbed the file, a slight growl in his throat.

Victor showed the page to Logan. He pointed at the name as a picture fell out of the file. "Remember him?"

Cat looked at the picture and froze. "No!"

She started backing up, scrambling out of her chair and going into a corner. Bucky quickly moved to in front of her, holding her face.

"Cat." He watched as her eyes turned feline and filled with terror. "Shit." He took off his shirt and pulled her to where her face was buried into the mark on his neck. "Breathe. You are safe now. Breathe."

Logan growled and rubbed his face. "I thought we killed him!"

Sam watched in confusion. "What's going on?"

Victor closed his eyes, trying to hold back Sabertooth. He gritted his teeth. "A man who tortured my sister, who we thought we killed, is alive." He opened his eyes and noticed Cat was still in the corner, but she wasn't as terrified. Victor took a breath. "He's why the serum is different."

"I can't go back. I can't." Cat muttered into Bucky's shoulder as she trembled.

"You won't. I'm not going to let that happen." Bucky replied, pulling her in tighter.

Logan watched the two and pulled out his phone. He didn't let the person respond once the phone picked up. "Tell Chuckles I'm unavailable until further notice. If he asks why, tell him Wildcat needs Wolverine." He hung up and looked at Victor. "Are you staying?"

Victor nodded and pulled out his phone, making the call. "Toad tell Magneto I'm going on a trip. If he asks why, tell him Wildcat needs help." He hung up and watched Cat as she held onto Bucky.

Sam watched everyone, then sighed and rubbed his face. "How much more complicated is this?"

Logan shook his head. "You guys can't walk in alone."

Sam nodded. "We can't get anymore people from our team added."

Logan nodded slightly. "You've got me and Victor. I can call in Wilson and maybe Gumbo."

Victor rubbed his neck. "All my people are not going to want to step in."

Bucky looked at the two as he picked Cat up, noticing she had passed out. "I can see if Matt will come with Luke or Jessica."

Logan nodded some and sighed. "I've also got my contacts in Madripoor."

Bucky closed his eyes for a second before taking Cat to their room.

Logan growled, punching the wall, his claws stabbing into it. "We kill him again, and this time we burn him."

Sam sighed. "Unfortunately, Bucky and I are Avengers. We can't kill him."

Victor smirked as his nails grew. "Oh, you won't. See, that's the best part of being part of the Brotherhood. A little death isn't a big deal."

Logan shook his head. "Fuck what Chuckles has to say no one is hurting Cat again."

Victor nodded as Logan grabbed his phone dialing a number. "Hey Wilson suit up and get your undying ass to the Avengers compound. Cat needs your help."

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